Chin up! 7 ways a run can uplift your mood and beat stress

Editors at CureJoy
Running for your life
4 min readApr 24, 2018

Tough day at work? Go running! Studies conducted on both healthy people and patients with emotional disorders have shown positive effects of physical exercise, regardless of their gender and age. And it is no coincidence that the benefits were seen to be marked in those with elevated levels of anxiety and depression.

As an exercise routine, running is one of the most convenient ones as well because all it demands is a pair of good running shoes — you do not need any equipment or a gym membership. And being a high-intensity aerobic exercise, it leads to faster weight loss and greater stamina. Here’s how it also helps improve your mood.

You improve your body’s response to stress

Any kind of exercise, including running, increases body temperature and blood circulation in the brain and improves your body’s reactivity to stress, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels. When you run regularly, your body becomes adept at handling stress.

You take on stress hormones and turn it to happiness hormones

Any aerobic exercise, like running, brings about chemical changes in the body. It balances the negative effects of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol with the production of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural mood enhancers and painkillers.

An increase in the level of endorphins in your body is responsible for what is known as the runner’s high, the feeling of relaxation and optimism that you get after running for a long distance and even after a hard workout.

The endorphins work like antidepressants but without any side effects. They relieve tension, relax both the mind and the body, and boost mental energy.

You reduce perception of pain

Aerobic exercise is also found to reduce the perception of pain. What that means is that even though the pain-causing factors remain the same, you will not feel as much pain. However, the efficacy of aerobic exercise in alleviating chronic pain needs to be studied further. Regular training can keep depression at bay to a certain extent. It is also used clinically to treat certain psychiatric and chronic pain conditions.

You reduce contradiction in thought and action

Running is not just about feeling good. It can even alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Whether you are battling depression or anxiety or just want to destress after a hard day’s work, run, whether by yourself or with a group of friends!

Running regularly can even improve your self-efficacy, that is your faith in your own capability.

It can help you fight distraction and stay focused. This is vital for people suffering from depression, anxiety, and other behavioral disorders.

Running can even reduce contradictions in thought, belief, and action, which is common in patients with cognitive dissonance — this is a state of mental tension one may experience when they hold contradictory views and beliefs. All of these naturally lift your mood and boost your morale.

You improve focus

Running also helps keep attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents in check. It boosts the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These, in turn, improve concentration, focus, and memory. Physical exercise has also been seen to improve attention and give better resistance to temptations and impulses, consequently improving concentration levels of ADHD patients.

You gain the confidence you always wanted

When you run, it is just you, the track, or the treadmill, or the road as the case may be, and the rhythm of your feet. When you push yourself to complete that last round, it is you against yourself.

You are testing your own endurance, willpower, and motivation and emerging a winner.

Regular runners and long-distance runners, who are passionate about their chosen sport, participate in marathons or half marathons, and even ultra runs that take on longer distances. To push your limits, both physical and mental, to set goals and attain them — these are the aspects of long-distance running that strengthen you as an individual and boost confidence as well. And these can be of help if you are battling your blues.

It keeps your mind young and sharp

Apart from improving your mood considerably, running has also been found to keep your mental faculties in top shape. A regular routine of running can help keep the mental decline caused by degenerative diseases at bay. It keeps your grey cells intact for longer. Studies that recorded the relationship between mood and exercise in the elderly showed significant improvements in the mood after exercise.

All you need to do is run for 30 mins daily!

Studies suggest that healthy adults should do a total of 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise every day in order to experience the fitness and health benefits.

It’s not necessary to do the 30 minutes in one go. You can stagger it through the day. The benefits remain the same. So tie your shoelaces and run!

