What it Takes to Run Track

Olivia Clark
Running With a Reason
2 min readDec 4, 2018

There are many factors that go into running. So, it is important to know what you are capable of and need to have before starting track.

  1. The main factor is being athletic. If you are unable to run a 100 m dash and be very exhausted after it, track is maybe not the sport for you. Running is tough on your body so it is important that you can handle it.
  2. The second factor is having confidence. It is hard to ever accomplish something if you are not confident. For example, if you are running the 400 m and you think that you cannot do it, your results will definitely show that.
  3. Having a positive outlook and attitude. Your attitude has a big impact on how you run. If you are in a bad mood and really don’t want to go to practice, your running will be effected. The attitude you have will also effect how your teammates run as well.
  1. The fourth factor is having endurance. Running is much easier if your body has a strong endurance or toleration for running sprints or long distance. If you cannot handle running, then track is not for you.
  2. This factor is mainly the overall components of running track. These factors are having a good physical and mental state. These two characteristics are very broad and wrap up what you need in order to be successful in Track.

