Perfect Pacing at the London Marathon

How to run like an elite and achieve a personal-best at London.

Running with Data



  • An analysis of more than 215,000 London Marathon runners during the period 2011–2016;
  • How do runners pace the London Marathon? Where are the fastest and slowest sections of the race?
  • How does the pacing of elites compare to recreational runners and those running a PB?
  • Putting what we learn into practice we create an optimal pacing chart for recreational runners that is tailored for London.


With the London Marathon just a few weeks away, participants will be planning their pacing strategy for race-day. Many will look to pacing charts to take some the guesswork out of race-day pacing, but the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional charts limits their usefulness in practice. In this article we describe a new type of pacing chart that is optimised for a particular marathon course — in this case the London Marathon — to provide participants with fine-grained, tailored pacing advice, based on the pacing patterns of the best of the best.

The data for this study is part of a larger dataset of 1.7m race records from more than 60 city marathons, London among them. The London…



Running with Data

Professor of Computer Science at University College Dublin. Focus on AI/ML and data science with applications in e-commerce, media, and health.