importance of diet on a run

Lindsey Henderson
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2018

Whether your on a run or doing a normal workout it is important to diet yourself and give your body healthy foods to fuel up on or replenish after a workout. If your going on a run it is important to eat high carb foods because it gives you the boost of energy your body needs to run.

While your on a diet it is highly recommended to pursue that diet throughout the day, month and year because it will help optimize all your runs and allow your muscles to recover more easier and allow your muscles to adapt to the workouts. If your running a easy paced 3 to 4 miles you are not needed to eat before your run because your body will originally already have enough glycol in your muscles to help you power through.

It is very important to stay hydrated before a run and after a run especially if the weather is hot and humid. Before a run make sure to drink at least 8 ounces of water to help you stay hydrated or drink a low calorie sports drink that can help you hydrate. It is also very important to be hydrated after a run because while your running your sweating off the water you drink before so make sure your restoring and stocking up on water to help your body stay up and working. Once your run hits the 60 minute mark it is highly recommend you sip a ton of water or sports drink to help you stay afloat.

For a sprint it is important to eat a very high carb rich meal the night before because it will be stored for long time energy and help you power through your fast tough sprint. A great meal to eat the night before can include pasta, rice or quinoa with proteins and veggies.

If your run is in the morning make sure you fuel up on a high carb breakfast such as Oatmeal or a banana and of course hydrate your body because you wake up dehydrated.

After a run you should also eat a meal 3 to 1 ratio of carbs or proteins so it can replenish the glycogen that you lost and worked off during the workout.

Good foods you can eat before and after a run is Banana, Apples, peanut butter, berry banana smoothie, oat bar, pasta, healthy protein balls, nuts or meat.

