Reasons why you should invest in email marketing tools as a business owner.

warui kiondo
Runnovate Virtual Assistants
3 min readMay 25, 2021

Email marketing involves using emails in your digital marketing efforts to ensure that your potential customers are aware of new products, services, offers, and discounts.

When it comes to marketing your business, email is still one of the most important and effective means. It has a higher open rate and a very high conversion rate compared to other forms of digital marketing. You can make a lot of sales by sending emails to your customers and potential ones and ensuring that you are top of mind when they need your services or products.

However, this becomes too much work when you have a very long list of customers that you are supposed to email. It also becomes cumbersome if you do not have the means to analyze the performance of your emails. It is important, for example, to know how many people opened your email and how many left it unread. To bypass some of these challenges you have to incorporate email marketing tools in your campaign.

These tools are tailored to help you send very customized emails to the different segments of your clients and also to give back reports on the performance of the emails.

Let us delve into the reasons:

  1. With email marketing, you can be able to create brand awareness. By providing consistent and helpful information through email. People will be able to recognize and associate themselves with your brand more.
  2. Increased traffic to your website. Instead of relying on organic results alone, you can add a call to action in your email that leads people to your website. This will have the overall effect of increasing the number of daily visits to your website.
  3. Email marketing has the highest return on investment as compared to other digital marketing strategies. Even though social media marketing is gaining a lot of popularity, it is important to note that 90% of emails will be delivered in inboxes. It is a direct way of ensuring that your target audience gets the intended information. Email marketing has topped the charts for the last 10 years as the digital marketing strategy with the highest return on investment.
  4. Email marketing helps to boost sales. Email marketing has one of the highest open and click-through rates. If you use the correct call to action, then you can see a significant increase in the number of sales.
  5. Email marketing helps you build brand loyalty. Most email marketing tools allow you to gather customer information by using sign-up lists. The fact of the matter is that no one signs up for something that they are not interested in. With this information, you get to know your customers better and tailor your content specifically for them.
  6. It is a low-cost marketing method with most email marketing tools having plans suitable for every type and size of business.
  7. Most people do not change their email addresses for years, unlike their social media accounts names which they keep changing every other time. With email marketing, you will be able to keep in touch with your customers for a lifetime.
  8. Email marketing is a perfect method to let your clients know about new products that are on offer or about new discounts that you may have. Make sure that the emails you send out are personalized and the chances of your intended audience opening them are very high.
  9. You will be able to track the performance of your emails using an email marketing tool. These tools come equipped with analytics features that provide insights into the email campaigns. This information will help you know for example the products that your audience is most interested in.

Need help with your email marketing? We got you!

Email marketing is an important strategy in building loyal clients that keep your business growing. However, you do not have to spend countless hours doing this task while there competent virtual assistants ready to do them for you. At Runnovate, we have virtual assistants who are proficient at email marketing and are very conversant with how to use email marketing tools. Grow your subscribers with the help of a professional virtual assistant. You can get your virtual assistant today by filling out this form on our website.

