Taking breaks as an online worker

Hellen Sanya
Runnovate Virtual Assistants
2 min readNov 9, 2023

Incorporating breaks into your daily routine is a powerful way to boost your digital wellness.

It may seem like a luxury, often pushed aside in the name of productivity. Yet, taking breaks hold the key to not only boosting your efficiency but also nurturing your digital wellness. It’s about more than just stepping away from your computer; it’s about recharging your energy, reconnecting with yourself, and rejuvenating your focus.

Here’s how you can make the most of these rejuvenating pauses:

How to prioritize taking breaks for your digital wellbeing

Scheduled breathers

Take custom breaks whenever you feel the need, temporarily stepping away from your current task. Intentionally establish boundaries between work and downtime. Concerns about reduced productivity can be eased by keeping these breaks short, typically around 5 minutes per hour. You’ll find that these brief respites can actually enhance your overall productivity.

Lunchtime breaks

During lunch, make it a habit to step away from your computer. Avoid eating at your desk, and consciously create space for ‘offline’ time. This separation from screens during meals promotes a healthier work-life balance.

Evening tech detox

Prioritize creating distance from your devices at night to foster relaxation and improve sleep quality. Utilize features like ‘Bedtime Mode’ or ‘Sleep Mode’ to quiet unnecessary activities during nighttime hours. Grayscale functionality transforms your screen to black and white, while ‘Do Not Disturb’ silences notifications, ensuring you enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

Set boundaries for work notifications

Give yourself the freedom to step away from work-related notifications when needed. Creating this separation allows you to recharge, even while away from the office.

‍Remember, taking breaks isn’t just about resting your body; it’s about recharging your mind and maintaining a balanced digital lifestyle.

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Hellen Sanya
Runnovate Virtual Assistants

I oversee the Operations and Marketing activities at Runnovate