Job Hunting? Its not just about the code

Dan Draper
Published in
1 min readJan 7, 2017

Recently, I caught up with Mikel Lindsaar, CEO and Founder of reInteractive and we discussed why being a great coder simply isn’t enough to be a part of a high-performing team.

Mikel Lindsaar, Founder of reInteractive

Mikel says that for a candidate to be a proficient coder is just expected. Its what he describes as “the base-level”. Where the hiring process becomes interesting for him is in discovering what qualities a developer has beyond their ability to code.

Mikel says that coders need to “have that human touch”. For him its an ability to communicate with clients (be-they external or internal). He wants to cultivate a team of people work together.

This certainly seems to ring true with my own experiences. I’ve made the mistake of hiring developers in the past who really were stellar coders but who’s ego or communication ineptitude ultimately outweighed whatever technical abilities they had.

You can watch the full interview with Mikel below or on CODR.TV (via Youtube).



Dan Draper

VPE/CTO, Nerd, Coder and Producer of the forthcoming film, Debugging Diversity.