About Runway Finance

What the heck is this publication?

Saalik Lokhandwala
Runway Finance


Runway Finance — Achieving Financial Stability

At the beginning of each year, we all hope to turn the page and start fresh with a list of new goals to achieve for the year. This usually includes losing some amount of weight, learning some type of new skill, or maybe cutting out some crappy habits. Somewhere on that list is also cutting back on expenses and saving more money. As most of us know, cutting back and saving money is easier said than done. This is especially true if you come from a background where any discussion of money is considered taboo or if you grew up in a home that was paycheck to paycheck. Most of the decisions that we have to make are inherently financial decisions, so why don’t we learn about such topics in our universities or even in our homes? This lack of accessibility to common personal finance knowledge has led to many of us in our early 20’s having to deal with a host of personal finance problems, including low credit scores, a fear of investing, low savings, and crippling debt.

For those of you beginning your journey to financial stability, it’s hard to know where to start. We hear terminology like 401(k) plans, index funds, and mutual funds and we feel trapped in a sea of options to the point where we do nothing. To those who feel this way…



Saalik Lokhandwala
Runway Finance

Seeker of adventure, lover of ideas, lifetime learner. Writes and reads about tech startups, mindfulness, and fantastical worlds.