Superstore Visualization Using PowerBI

Rupal Bhatt
Rupal Bhatt
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2018

The main objective of this project is to explore the possibilities of visualization using PowerBI. Here we have used superstore dataset for the purpose.

PowerBI is a very efficient and elegant tool offered by Microsoft. It offers advanced data exploration, modelling, shaping, and report creation.

The superstore database has collection of four tables. All these files are in .csv format.

The picture here shows relationship between them.

A quick look at the data gives an overall picture about the dataset.

We are mainly interested in finding the profits made by the super store.

The dashboard here has some visualization for profit. It is interesting to note how easy it is to create an elegant dashboard in a short period of time.

This is a quick view at the dataset using PowerBI and you may appreciate how clear and concise picture emerge.

Conclusion: A dashboard is worth thousand queries!

