A journey through time in Europe Modernization

Shivakumar Jolad
Rural and Urban Development - FLAME
2 min readOct 30, 2020

Visual Essay: https://ajourneythroughtime.wixsite.com/blog

(by Prachi Agarwal and Ovee Karwa, FLAME University).

New World:
As Europe emerged from the turmoil of interstate wars, it saw rise in population and immense competition in markets. Ideas of scientific enquiry and empiricism started to gain ground and there was an urge to figure out how the Earth works. Moreover, in the 15th century, the Ottoman empire held strong in the territories held by the Roman empire. Hence, the European powers were in a hassle to reach new lands and resources where there wouldn’t be a threat from the Ottoman empire…

Reformation: After the fall of the Roman empire, there was widespread chaos. The void of the central monarch was fulfilled by the power of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church rose to power in the economic, social, cultural facets of the society through its doctrines of “divine rule”, selling indulgences etc. It’s teachings in not only religion but politics and even science were unchallenged.

The Trans-atlantic Slave Trade (1525–1807)

To monopolize trade in the new world, there was a constant demand for labor. In addition to that, the crops that were produced were labor intensive, cash crops and not subsistence. This gave rise to the transatlantic slave trade.

Agricultural Revolution in Britain (mid 17th to late 19th CE)
Due to an increase in labor and land productivity Britain saw an unprecedented rise in food cultivation. Continuous new innovations in machines and agriculture led to more efficient methods of farming. Backed by laws, this were to change the scene of agriculture in the world forever.


Industrial Revolution (Late 18th — Early 19th Century)
The Industrial Revolution is regarded as that phase which brought about massive changes in the socio-cultural, political, economic and environmental aspects of the UK. The Revolution first started in the UK in 18th Century.

