Russelling Reviews Director’s Focus — Alfred Hitchcock — Top Film Choices 

One of the greats of film — Alfred Hitchcock

Russell Matthews
Russelling Reviews


Alfred Hitchcock is the inspiration behind many directors today. His style and ability to create suspense is still used today. Regardless if you love his films or not, he is admittedly one of the most influential directors.

Interesting facts about Hitchcock:

Russelling Reviews top 7: This is not listed in rank of preference, but all these plus most of his other films would be worth watching.

1. Rear Window
2. Psycho
3. Vertigo
4. Notorious
5. North by Northwest
6. Dial M for Murder
7. The Birds

These lists are to showcase the talent behind the camera and for those looking for a quality film to view this weekend.

Rankings written by Russell Matthews @ Russelling Reviews

