Russia is the most “powerful” country

Thorbjorn Anderson
Russian Satellite
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2017

In the media, very often you can see that Russia occupies the first place in the world for oil production and the second for gas production, has a hude territory, reserves of drinking water and forest, often carries out a lot of space luanches and has borders with a very large number of states. But all these wonderful facts pale in front of Russia’s anti-records, which shows the real economic, social and political situation in the country. We do not seek to belittle Russia or its citizens, we just want to show what lies behind false news, informational wars and Kremlin statements.

So, lets go:

  • Russia ranks a second place in the anti-rating of countries suitable for the living of people with unconventional sexual orientation. And this perfectly shows how difficult it is for these peolple in Russia. In support of this fact, we can point out a situation with torture and murders of gays in Chechnya;
  • According to the Economist magazine, Russia has significantly succeeded in corruption and ranks first in the rating of countries with the highest level of nepotism and bribery. You just can check any of Alexey Navalny’s interview;
  • According to the Press Freedom Index of 2016, prepared by Reporters without Borders, Russia ranks 148 out of 180, neighboring Pakistan, Mexico and Malaysia;
  • According to the American Institute of Charlotte Losier, Russia ranks third place in the world in the number of abortions. In this regard, the Government of the Russian Federation’s initiativess to ban abortions seem very strange. Because it will lead to the development of the dark medicine services, orphans and murders, as the standarts of living in Russia does not allow people to raise children. The horrible news from the whole country is spoken about this — babies who thrown away into garbage, dismembered children, children burned in the oven, etc.;
  • The Australian human rights organization Walk Free Foundation develops a slavery index around the world. Modern slavery is trafficking in people, forced labor, forced marriage and credit dependence. So Russia in this rating takes 32 place out of 167 possible.

Also there are a few short world ratings that speak for thenselves:

  • 1st place in absolute magnitude of population loss;
  • 1st place in the world according to the number of divorces;
  • 1st place in the number of children abandoned by parents;
  • 1st place in the world of mortality from cardiovascular diseases;
  • 1st place in the world for cancer patiens;
  • 1st place in the world in the number of patients with mental diseases;
  • 1st in the world in terms of heroin use;
  • 1st place in the world in terms of the number of smoking children;
  • 1st place in the world in terms of the number of accidents;
  • 1st in the world in terms of the number of orphans;
  • 1st place in the world according to the number of pedophiles;
  • 1st place in the world for child alcoholism;
  • 173th in the world in terms of press freedom;
  • 175th place in the world in terms of physical security of citizens;
  • 159th place in terms of political rights and freedoms;
  • 127th place in the world in the terms of health of citizens, etc.

It is possible to cite this data for a very long time, but the essence of this is the same — in Russia there is an inefficient government that from the inside decomposes the country and plunes it into the chaos. For the sake of justice, it should be said that there are a lot of punchy, hardworking, intelligent and zealous people in Russia who want to live in a country with a high standard of living, in safety and prosperity. That’s why this blog was created. There is no freedom of the media in Russia, many opposition politicians and journalists are in jail or killed, but Russian people do not surrender.

Hope that our materials will help to bring peace faster;)

For this article we used statistics by:

  • The Australian human rights organization Walk Free Foundation;
  • Reporters without Borders;
  • American Institute of Charlotte Losier;
  • UN;
  • WHO;
  • WWF;
  • Wall Street Journal;
  • The Economist;
  • World bank;
  • OECD;
  • European Court of Human Rights.

