Russian Women Fight for Their Rights :You Should Too

Sierra Layton
Russia’s War on Domestic Violence
3 min readMay 11, 2017

Sadly enough, with the bill having already passed and the Russian people stuck in their traditional values dark ages, it is hard to help.

But not impossible.

Progress is always being made and there are still ways for women to get educated about their rights and seek refuge.

Marina Pisklacova is the most well known and astounding women’s right’s activist in Russia. She has done an immense amount of work in Russia to spread awareness of domestic violence.

Marina Pisklakova, ©2000 Eddie Adams

Pisklacova is to be credited with getting Russian officials to take notice and start watching domestic abuse, which is why where there are little studies or polls, there are at the very least some. Without her there would be no research done.

She founded a help hotline in 1993 for women, a first, and the first women’s crisis center(ANNA) is now in over a hundred and seventy parts of Russia and the old Soviet Union. Together with ANNA ( National Center for the Prevention of Violence) she campaigns against abuse over the radio and on TV and promotes educating women on their rights as human beings.

This is such a huge campaign because before the public wasn’t fully given the tools they needed. It isn’t often publicized the laws that are in place or the ways that people can get help or where they can go to escape danger being that it’s hard to get help from the police.

Other than Marina, there are only a couple of options for abuse victims in Russia right now. They can divorce and move out of their homes, which is expensive being that they probably aren’t the bread winner for the family, or they can go to a shelter- there aren’t many known shelters, but they are there.

The most important thing to do is to put it out there that they have rights and those rights are being violated if they are being abused. Many don’t realize because they are raised this way, but they don’t have to be accustomed to abuse.

Unfortunately, getting information on how others can help is not easy. There aren’t organizations looking for donation to help them help Russia because this issue isn’t well known yet. Not only that, helping from an entirely different country isn’t impossible, but it’s definitely difficult.

One search on the internet can show you thousands upon thousands of results of websites giving you hotlines and tools for protecting yourself and others.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Groups like the NCADV(National Coalition Against Domestic Violence) work to create cultures where domestic violence doesn’t happen as often, survivors are supported, and the abusers are punished. They along with many other groups can be donated to, to help further progress the message that domestic violence should end.

What we can do is spread awareness and make sure that if we see domestic abuse happening around us we help and report it. There are places like Russia where even if they report it, nothing will be done. We shouldn’t let our own country come to that.

