Takeaways, Video, Slides & References from Chaos Engineering 101

Thanks to GOTO Nights and WorldPay for hosting Chaos

Russ Miles
Russ Miles
2 min readNov 2, 2017



On the evening of Wednesday 1st November Chaos hit both GOTO Nights and Worldpay in the form of … me, Russ Miles, giving a talk on Chaos Engineering.

I promised all the attendees that I would post the slides and, particularly, make all the references available. I can now go a bit further as our little experiment with using phones to live-stream on Twitter seems to have been something of a success!

So without further ado, here is the information from the talk in the form of Takeaways, Video, Slides & References…


Here were the key learning points:

  • Chaos is not just for Netflix
  • Chaos Engineering has NOTHING to do with causing Chaos…
  • Failure is EVERYWHERE in production… learn from it!
  • Chaos is about Availability
  • Chaos Engineering is a Discipline that directly addresses System Availability and affects: People & Culture, Applications, Platforms and Infrastructure
  • The High-level Process of Chaos Engineering includes: Build a Hypothesis around Steady State Behaviour; Limit Blast Radius; Vary Real-world Events; Run Experiments in Production (ideally); Automate Experiments to Run Continuously

In essence, if you are building cloud native microservices for production, when it comes to adopting chaos engineering…

Video & Slides

Here is the link to the live-streamed video tweet…


… and the SlideShare slides:


Links & References

And finally here are the references including of course the amazing free Chaos Engineering book!

Thanks to everyone who came along!

Just a last note of HUGE thanks to everyone who made the Chaos Engineering 101 evening possible. That’s specifically Maria and Marco at Trifork on behalf of GOTO London, and of course the awesome folks at Worldpay for hosting and all the food and drink!

Now it’s on to MuCon next week where I shall be dusting off the Les Paul for another keynote talk on Chaos Engineering with Microservices. Look forward to hopefully seeing you there!



Russ Miles
Russ Miles

People, Team and Organizational Developer. Writer, psychologist, speaker and humanistic Head of Engineering. https://twitter.com/russmiles