Rust — a long and hard journey for beginners

Rust Learning Group
2 min readJun 7, 2020


Rust is the developers most loved programming languages for 5 years now, by the Stack Overflow Developer Survey. But, people who witch to Rust, or learn it from zero get frustrated and mad. Why?

  • I (a beginner) am getting frustrated with the Rust learning curve.
  • Rust can get you mad sometimes

Rust — A System Programming Language

A system programming language is a programming language used for system programming; such languages are designed for writing system software, which usually requires different development approaches when compared with application software.

So many people know, how to write application software with some high-level programming languages like Java, Go, Python, Javascript, or Ruby. These programming languages are made for reducing complexity and focus on the core topic — creating applications.

But if you switch from such a high-level language to C or Rust.- many things are different and new — and hard to understand.

Even for people, who are new to programming — learning experience is not that nice — because u need to know so many things.

That’s why we founded the Rust Learning Group.

Experts and Beginners Teaching each other

The Rust Learning Group is a mix of different people with different experiences. Some people are experts in C and System Programming, some know high-level Programming Languages and some of them are now to development at all. How can we keep the learning curve for everyone?

Daily Exercises

Within the Learning Group, we have an organized internal team witch provides daily exercises like videos, codings blocks, or questions.
These are kina daily homework — to get you to step by step to your goal — becoming a rust expert.

Weekly Presentations

Experts and especially beginners can hold small presentations on a weekly event. Teaching others is the best way to learn and you can deep dive into topics — which you like or try to understand things better — and.share your results! That’s the best way to learn in the learning group and rising the curve!

Monthly Workshops

The practice is all — so we organize some workshops to get started — or deeper in different topics like WASM, Internet of Things, or IOTA topics. Experts and beginners can lead workshops and get support from the organisation team.


Learning together is fun- and fun supports learning on this long journey to become a Rust expert.

Get involved and share your knowledge!

