Building a HTTP Request Visualizer in Rust (Part 1)

John Philip
Published in
6 min readFeb 15, 2024


Building a request visualizer can greatly benefit frontend teams, allowing them to mock requests and understand their structure effectively. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through building a request visualizer tool.

This tool will enable mock requests, providing insights into request details such as body data, query parameters, headers, and the HTTP method used.

By the conclusion of this tutorial, you will have a functional RESTful endpoint build in Rust, which users can simulate and receive the request structure within the response body.

We will being with scaffolding our project and establishing our development environment.

Getting Started


  • Rust compiler (rustc)
  • Basic understanding of Rust

You can confirm if Rustc is installed in your system by running the following command.

rustc --version

You should see the message below on your terminal.

rustc 1.75.0 (82e1608df 2023-12-21)

If you haven’t installed these yet, you can follow the guide below.

