Building a Port Scanning Tool in Rust

John Philip
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2024


Image generated by Dalle-E

Have you ever wanted to connect to another computer but weren’t sure if the communication channel was clear? That’s where ports come in! They’re like numbered doorways on your computer, each dedicated to specific applications and services. Imagine ports as mailboxes on a street — each with a unique address (port number) to receive messages from specific senders (applications).

Now, imagine trying to send a letter but finding the mailbox overflowing! Just like with mailboxes, sometimes ports get “occupied” by other applications and become unavailable. So, how do you check if a port is free before sending your message?

This blog post guides you through building a simple yet powerful port scanner tool in Rust to answer that exact question! This tool will scan a range of ports on your computer and tell you whether they’re open for communication or already in use. We will also enable the user to specify a port to scan and identify if it is free.

Let’s get started!


  • Rust compiler installed: If you haven’t already, head over to “installing Rust” for a quick and easy installation guide.
  • Basic understanding of Rust programming: This tutorial assumes you have some familiarity with the Rust language.

