Get Your Rust On at RustConf 2024 🦀

Today’s Issue: Unwrapping Multiple Options in Rust, Cross-Language Type Harmony, and Free Rust Ebooks for Amazon Kindle

Rustaceans Editors
4 min readMay 27, 2024


RustConf 2024

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Hello Rustacean!

Welcome to another edition of the Rust Bytes newsletter. In this issue, we’ll dive into the exciting things RustConf 2024 has to offer, share a Rust tip with you, spotlight an amazing Rust project, and highlight some incredible links of the week.

Welcome to issue 28!


Get Your Rust On at RustConf 2024

Dust off your debugging skills and polish your compiler knowledge because RustConf 2024 is barreling towards Montreal, Canada (September 10th-13th).

This year, for the first time, the Rust Foundation is taking the wheel in organizing and hosting the event, promising an epic gathering of the Rust community — the largest ever!

Nine years strong (that’s right, RustConf first kicked off in 2016!), this conference is your chance to:

Level up your Rust game: Immerse yourself in workshops, talks, and sessions led by the brightest minds in Rust. From rookies to rocket scientists (almost!), there’s something for everyone.

Network with fellow Rust enthusiasts: Mingle with developers from around the globe, swap coding war stories, and forge lasting connections.

Explore the vibrant city of Montreal: Take a break from bits and bytes to experience the city’s delicious food, rich culture, and (hopefully) crisp fall weather. (Poutine not included, but highly recommended!)

Still on the fence? Here are some more reasons to join the fun:

  • A whooping 200 proposals were submitted this year, with the cream of the crop (29 amazing sessions) making the final cut. Get ready for in-depth discussions and mind-blowing insights.
  • Industry giants like Aeva Black and Nicholas Matsakis are gracing the stage with their keynotes. Prepare to be inspired!
  • We’ll (maybe) be there! Keep an eye out for a member of our team roaming the halls, ready to chat Rust and hand out some awesome swag (think: free, shiny Rust stickers!).

Ticket options includes: Individual Ticket ($450), Industry/Government Ticket ($600), Nonprofit Ticket ($450), Local Ticket ($50), Student Ticket ($100), Virtual Ticket ($0) Can’t make it to Montreal? No worries! Join the livestream for free.

Registration is open now! Don’t miss out on your chance to be part of this epic Rust gathering. Snag your tickets (including virtual options!) here.

P.S. For those attending in person and needing visa assistance, RustConf has you covered. Head over to RustConf Visa Letter Request Form.

See you in Montreal, Rustaceans!


RUST TIP: Unwrapping Multiple Options in Rust

In Rust, the Option is a data type that can hold a value (Some(value)) or indicate its absence (None).

The code snippet below showcases a common pattern for handling multiple Option values simultaneously using pattern matching in an (if let) expression. Here’s a breakdown:

Two Option variables (name1 and name2) are declared and assigned Some values, representing existing data.

An if let expression is used to perform pattern matching on both name1 and name2.

The pattern (Some(name1), Some(name2)) checks if both name1 and name2 are indeed Some variants and binds the contained values to temporary variables name1 and name2 within the code block.

You can play with the code on Rust Playground.



Tired of manually wrangling types across languages like a code-juggling jester? Typeshare is here to save the day!

Typeshare is maintained by the 1Password team, and lets you convert your Rust types into their counterparts in languages like Swift, Go (experimental!), Kotlin, Scala, and Typescript. Imagine your codebase singing in perfect cross-language harmony!

Here’s the lowdown:

  • Effortless FFI: Typeshare automates type conversion, saving you precious coding time (and sanity).
  • Multi-lingual Magic: Supports a variety of languages, keeping your polyglot projects happy.
  • Serialization Symphony: Handles serialization and deserialization on both sides of the FFI bridge, making data exchange a breeze.
  • Open Source Oasis: Feel free to contribute or request support from the friendly 1Password crew.

Ready to ditch the manual type wrangling? Head over to the Typeshare repository and give it a whirl!


  1. Rust Foundation blogged about the Current State of Unsafe Rust.
  2. Gabor Szabo released a list of Free Rust ebooks for Amazon Kindle. Shhh, don’t tell Bezos!
  3. Arpad Borsos dives into the surprising slowness of thread_local! in Rust and explores alternative approaches for achieving high-performance thread-local storage.
  4. Marco Bacis is back at it again! Part 2 of his load balancer series is out. Buckle up and get ready to balance some load.
  5. In a surprising turn of events, Gavin Daniel Howard questions Rust’s formal verification. Let the debate begin!
  6. The DataDog crew shared their epic Java-to-Rust migration adventure.
  7. Aria Beingessner wrote about Rust’s Unsafe Pointer Types Need An Overhaul — it’s a must-read.
  8. Allen Wyma interviewed Glen De Cauwsemaecker about Rama — a modular and customizable proxy built in Rust.
  9. If you think traits are dry, watch Rob Ede’s talk on Tricks of the Trait It’s like a spa day for your codebase — relaxing and oh-so-effective.
  10. We just released something amazing for you… but you’ll have to check out RustCratesCollection to find out.



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That’s all for now, Rustaceans! Until next issue, keep rocking.

John & Elley.

