Getting started with Tracing in Rust

Published in
5 min readMar 8, 2024

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on getting started with tracing in Rust. Tracing is a powerful tool that developers can use to understand the behavior of their code, identify performance bottlenecks, and debug issues. In the world of Rust, a language renowned for its performance and safety guarantees, tracing plays a crucial role in ensuring that your applications run smoothly and efficiently.

In this article, we will explore the concept of tracing, its importance in the Rust ecosystem, and how you can leverage it to improve your Rust applications. Whether you’re a seasoned Rustacean looking to delve deeper into performance optimization or a newcomer to the language interested in learning more about its debugging tools, this guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge you need to effectively use tracing in Rust.

Stay tuned as we embark on this exciting journey of discovery and learning. Let’s get started!

Understanding Tracing

Before we delve into the specifics of tracing in Rust, it’s important to understand what tracing is and why it’s a crucial tool for developers.

Tracing, in the context of software development, is a method used to monitor the execution of a program. It involves recording information about the program’s execution, such as function calls, variable values, or even the entire call stack. This information, often referred to as ‘trace data’, can then be analyzed to gain insights into the behavior of the program.

Tracing plays a pivotal role in debugging and performance optimization. By providing a detailed view of a program’s execution, tracing allows developers to identify bottlenecks, spot inefficiencies, and understand the root cause of bugs. This makes it an invaluable tool for improving the performance and reliability of your code.

In the next sections, we will explore how you can leverage the power of tracing in your Rust applications.

In Rust, tracing is facilitated by a powerful library known as the tracing crate. This crate provides a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect structured, event-based diagnostic information. Unlike traditional logging, tracing is designed to understand the context of an event or a series of events in the system, making it a powerful tool for diagnosing complex systems.

To get started with tracing in Rust, you first need to add the tracing crate to your project. This can be done by adding the following line to your Cargo.toml file:

tracing = "0.1"

Once the tracing crate is added to your project, you can start using it by adding the following line to your main Rust file:

use tracing::{info, trace, warn, error};

The tracing crate provides several macros for different levels of diagnostic information, including info!, trace!, warn!, and error!. These macros correspond to different levels of events and can be used to record information at the appropriate level.

In the next section, we will delve deeper into how to implement tracing in a Rust project, complete with code examples and explanations.

Implementing Tracing in a Rust Project

Now that we have the tracing crate set up in our project, let’s dive into how to implement tracing in a Rust project.

use tracing::{info, trace, warn, error};

fn main() {
).expect("setting default subscriber failed");

let number = 5;
info!("The number is {}", number);

let result = compute(number);
info!("The result is {}", result);

fn compute(n: i32) -> i32 {
trace!("Computing the value...");
if n > 10 {
warn!("The number is greater than 10");
} else if n < 1 {
error!("The number is less than 1");
n * 2

In the above code, we first set a default subscriber for the tracing events. Then, we use the info! macro to record an event at the info level. In the compute function, we use the trace!, warn!, and error! macros to record events at different levels based on the value of n.

This is a simple example, but it illustrates the basic usage of the tracing crate. You can add more complex tracing logic to your code as needed.

In the next section, we will discuss how to analyze the trace data generated by our program.

Analyzing Trace Data

Once you’ve implemented tracing in your Rust application and generated trace data, the next step is to analyze this data to gain insights into your application’s behavior.

Analyzing trace data involves examining the recorded events and using them to understand the execution flow of your program. This can help you identify patterns, spot anomalies, and understand the performance characteristics of your application.

There are several tools available for analyzing trace data in Rust. One of the most popular is tracing-subscriber, which provides utilities for implementing and configuring subscribers.

Here’s a basic example of how to use tracing-subscriber to analyze trace data:

use tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber;

fn main() {
let subscriber = FmtSubscriber::builder()

.expect("setting default subscriber failed");

// Your application code goes here...

In this example, we create a FmtSubscriber and set it as the global default. The with_max_level function is used to set the maximum level of events that the subscriber will record. In this case, we’re recording all events up to the TRACE level.

Once you’ve collected trace data, you can use various tools to visualize and interpret it. This can help you understand the performance characteristics of your application, identify bottlenecks, and spot potential issues.

In the next section, we will explore some advanced tracing techniques in Rust.

Advanced Tracing Techniques

As you become more comfortable with basic tracing in Rust, you may find yourself needing more advanced techniques to diagnose complex issues or optimize performance. The Rust ecosystem offers several powerful tools and libraries for advanced tracing.

One such tool is tracing-futures, an extension to the tracing crate that provides support for instrumenting Futures with diagnostic information. This can be particularly useful in asynchronous Rust programs, where understanding the behavior of Futures can be critical for debugging and performance optimization.

Another useful tool is tracing-serde, which provides a Serializer implementation for serializing tracing’s Id, Metadata, Event, Record, and Span types as Serde Serializable types. This can be useful when you need to serialize trace data for analysis or transmission.

Here’s an example of how to use tracing-futures and tracing-serde in a Rust project:

use tracing::{info, Instrument};
use tracing_futures::WithSubscriber;
use tracing_serde::AsSerde;

async fn main() {
let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
.json() // Output events as JSON
.with_env_filter("my_crate=info") // Set log filter

let _guard = tracing::subscriber::set_default(subscriber);

let future = async {
info!("This is an async block");
// Your async code here...


let span = tracing::info_span!("my_span");
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&span.as_serde()).unwrap());

In this example, we first create a tracing subscriber that outputs events as JSON. We then create an async block and instrument it with a span using the instrument function from tracing-futures. The with_subscriber function is used to attach the subscriber to the future. Finally, we serialize the span as JSON using tracing-serde.

These are just a few examples of the advanced tracing techniques available in Rust. As you continue to explore the Rust ecosystem, you’ll find many more tools and libraries designed to help you get the most out of tracing. Happy coding!🦀

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