The Last Supper

Decentralization Creates Symmetry

Jon Gulson
Rustbelt Innovators


Probably the most famous example of symmetry in art is The Last Supper, by Leonardo Da Vinci: the painting is balanced and composed to draw the eye into the central figure of Jesus, and a medium capable of representing symmetry inevitably presents possibilities to symmetrical relationships between money, media, and art.

In this context, the incorrigible rise of NFT’s (non-fungible tokens) as the collectible of choice for expression of exclusivity and wealth through the desire to hold otherwise “useless art” becomes less irrational and incomprehensible.

This is because decentralization creates symmetry, creates art. Or perhaps art creates decentralization, creates symmetry, creates art — and if symmetry creates art, what’s to stop symmetry becoming causal to other things? The big question then being “what next!?”

Perceiving rationality and reason is challenging and provocative in this way, in the same tendency of the objective to art being uniqueness or originality in representation and aura of how it came into being in the first place.

If pseudonymity assumes agency of the human who creates the art, creating the decentralization, creating symmetry; then symmetry appears axiomatic to any human endeavour or game: for example in the contract, so both sides are balanced and in equilibrium to the terms of the bargain and how that bargain might be litigated on.

