Partyline Chat Sunday w/ Alex Agut & Jack Liu with Voting via Sha Wars

Michael Finney
Rustbelt Innovators
3 min readOct 22, 2020

On Sunday, October 25th at 3pm EST, Partyline Chat will go live with two cryptocurrency entrepreneurs building bitcoin solutions for the global market. Alex Agut of Handcash from Madrid, Spain and Jack Liu of RelayX from Hong Kong will be joining the crew to discuss their products’ advantages and differences.

“Bitcoin is born again as Bitcoin SV and it is an exiting time with the onset of widespread tokenisation on BSV. RelayX is your account to access the blockchain and an onchain token exchange.” said Jack Liu.

“I believe mainstream appeal is around the corner for Bitcoin SV, we just have to remain focused on things that matter. This is a good opportunity to center the conversation around lessons learned and the upcoming challenges with one of the top figures in Bitcoin development right now. It should be an enriching conversation!” remarked Alex Agut of HandCash.

C0inalchemist of Sha Wars noted, “Depending on the event, every one to two weeks the Sha Wars team rolls out a new event. Our events are based on current debates, conflicts, or unique matchups submitted by community members. This current matchup between Alex Agut and Jack C. Liu will be the first time we’ve had a player return to Sha Wars for a second matchup. As big fans of Partyline Chat, we’re excited to host an event for the second time in collaboration with Partyline and look forward to more events to come in the future.”

Wade into the fray this Sunday live on Twitter, Periscope, and YouTube.

About Sha Wars

Sha Wars is an unchain prediction platform dressed up in the retro 8-bit aesthetic familiar to gamers of the last millennium. Using BitcoinSV, participants can influence the outcome of a matchup by contributing to their favorite contestant via microtransactions recorded to the blockchain.

About Partyline Chat

Partyline Chat is a Socratic discussion group that operates like a pickup basketball team. A core group of crew members is typically on the stream but participants vary between broadcasts for access to the variety of guests that make appearances to talk cryptocurrencies, technology at-large, and their social impact.

