TonicPow: Bitcoin-enabled AdTech

Michael Finney
Rustbelt Innovators
2 min readAug 18, 2020


Today I signed up for TonicPow to get a look at their bitcoin-enabled advertising/promotion market. The platform blends influencer marketing referral link promotion with Pay Per Click pricing made viable by bitcoin transactions. It seemed like a good opportunity to set up a simple campaign and test functionality.

Of course I’m testing a campaign to promote 1893 Chicago’s Columbian Exposition on Amazon. These sort of niche functions are perfect for a tool like BitcoinSV.

TonicPow allows you to select a Pay Per Click rate for referrals.

Once complete and you have accepted TonicPow’s ToS, progress to the overview window that shows all the details about timeline, budget and associated profile. This is where you will fund the promotion — a QR code is available to scan as well as a proper address. I used Money Button to fund the campaign.

It’s really easy to setup an Advertiser Profile as well.

The campaign manager view will list all campaigns associated with the profile, which includes active and pending promotions.

TonicPow is an incredibly easy platform to use. Obviously one drawback is that the current community utilizing BitcoinSV is going to limit the potential reach of your campaign. However, it allows this very passionate community to be leveraged for promotions and test ideas. An additional benefit is the ability to find a pricing sweet spot for link referrals with influencers that circumvents the advertising arms race that is typical PPC advertising.

Check out TonicPow for yourself!

