Meet the Team (part 2)!

Rutgers Creative X
Rutgers Creative X
Published in
6 min readJul 6, 2021


Meet the rest of e-board :)

Rasha Asraf: Treasurer

Rasha is a rising senior double majoring in ITI and HR with a minor in Psychology. She joined Creative X because she was interested in UX as a career and wanted to learn more about the field and connect with students that share similar goals.

“I loved that this club helped other students discover their passion for user experience. Overall, I found Creative X to be a very chill and supportive group which is what ultimately drew me to join!”

What else are you involved in?

Rasha is also a volunteer as a research assistant in a psychology lab and works with international students!

What are your post-grad plans?

Something user experience related, such as a UX researcher (maybe).

Hobbies/interests or current projects?

Rasha likes to bake!

Abby Marin: Events Director

Abby is a rising junior majoring in ITI and minoring in Cognitive Science. She joined Creative X to grow as a designer and meet people with similar interests.

What else are you involved in and out of campus?

Abby is also a part of Women in Information Technology & Informatics.

What are your post-grad plans?

Designing within the entertainment industry :)

Hobbies/interests or current projects?

Abby likes to cook tiktok recipes, go on runs, and shop like she is never broke!

Winnie Huang: Events Director

Winnie is a rising sophomore majoring in Marketing and minoring in Psychology. She started getting more interested in design when she heard about her friend’s design major courses in another university.

“When I found out about Creative X, I finally felt like there was somewhere where I could learn about design at Rutgers without feeling the need to completely teach myself everything or transfer schools. Also everyone’s super nice and chill here!”

What else are you involved in and out of campus?

Winnie is in the Asian American Identity and Images Learning Living Community and used to work for the Rutgers Learning Center as a graphic artist.

What are your post-grad plans?

Hopefully find a job and get her own apartment somewhere, or go to grad school for a year.

Hobbies/interests or current projects?

Winnie likes playing the ukulele casually and video games with friends :)

Edwin Luo: Tech Director

Edwin is a rising sophomore majoring in Computer Science. He was always interested in design and saw an open position as developer for CreativeX that he thought his skills would be useful for.

What else are you involved in and out of campus?

Edwin is also Outreach Director for USACS, Walmart Gordan Ramsey in the kitchen, and future star in intramural soccer/volleyball in the upcoming semester.

What are your post-grad plans?

Work at a top tier tech company for 5–10 years then quit to make a startup that changes the world :0

Hobbies/interests or current projects?

You can find some of his work at!

Andrew Park: Tech Director

Andrew is a rising senior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Digital Communication Information and Media. He joined Creative X because the computer science department at Rutgers is entirely back-end, and he wanted to get involved in a club where he could learn and practice front-end development!

“Although I did not know too much about design before, I am constantly amazed and inspired by all of the motivation and knowledge shared among the members :)”

What else are you involved in and out of campus?

Andrew is also a part of the K-POP dance cover group on campus called HARU!

What are your post-grad plans?

He is hoping to go into development where he can be involved in both the front-end and back-end aspects of projects!

“Honestly speaking though I am realizing more and more that a 9–5 desk job might not be for me so who knows? :o”

Hobbies/interests or current projects?

Andrew is extremely interested in palm trees.

Saifeldin Ahmed: Marketing Director

Saif is a rising senior majoring in ITI and double minoring in Digital Communication, Information, Media and Psychology. He joined CreativeX because he is passionate about the use of design and technology to help improve the quality of life while expressing creative freedom.

“In the time I’ve spent at Rutgers, I genuinely believed I was alone in pursuing User Experience and Interface Design until I came across this incredible club filled to the brim with talented designers. As soon as I heard about CreativeX, I had to join immediately because I wanted to spread the word as far as I could to help other students who may also feel alone in pursuing UX Design.”

What else are you involved in and out of campus?

Saif is also the social media marketer for Rutgers Art and Design and Out in Tech University and an upcoming education director for Rutgers Blueprint.

What are your post-grad plans?

He aspires to be a UX designer for sports and gym companies because of his passion for both fitness and design.

Hobbies/interests or current projects?

Working out, watching anime, hanging out with friends, and getting to meet new people!

Michelle Sy: Content Director

(Hi, that’s me!) Michelle is a rising sophomore planning on double majoring in Business Analytics & IT and Cognitive Science. She joined Creative X because she was always interested in UX, but didn’t know where or how to start. This club ended up being a perfect way to learn, talk to more experienced students and designers, and be part of a tight-knit and supportive group.

What else are you involved in and out of campus?

Michelle is involved in other clubs such as BITS, RU Thrifty, and SEED.

What are your post-grad plans?

Work as a UX designer or a business analyst, hopefully for an important cause or especially towards fighting climate change. Also travel if possible!

Hobbies/interests or current projects?

Some of her interests are photography, video editing, fashion, and longboarding.

Katherine Liu: Content Committee Member

Kate is a rising sophomore double majoring in Computer Science and Cognitive Science, with a possible minor in Biology. She joined Creative X because she was becoming interested in app and web development, especially the design/psych aspect of everything. She wanted to learn more about design and came across the Creative X Instagram, and loved it!

What else are you involved in and out of campus?

Kate is part of the Global Surgery Student Alliance, Cognitive Science Club, and the Rutgers Period Equity Project!

What are your post-grad plans?

Currently, Kate is part of the 4+4 combined BS/MD program with Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. After graduating from Rutgers, she will matriculate to RWJMS :).

Hobbies/interests or current projects?

Longboarding, baking, and coding!

