Fly on the Wall

Christian Sha
Rutgers Entrepreneurship
2 min readApr 21, 2017
Fuck anything that doesn’t make you happy.

I swallowed a gulp as I attempted to clearly articulate what was on my mind — but for whatever reason, the words weren’t coming out so smoothly.

Sitting in the room with a self-made, multi-millionaire and his business partners, in a random ass beach house in Avon, NJ — was not what I expected to do last Wednesday night.

As the hours pass by like minutes, I list off each of the business courses I was supposed to be attending — instead of being there.

I even had a realization about the fundamental difference between business school and this business meeting…

In class, I cannot concentrate for my life.


In this meeting, I could not cut my concentration from what was occurring.

There was alcohol, cursing, laughter, and even a couple punches thrown here and there.

As a millennial college kid (who doesn’t catch any movie references), it’s hard seeing myself doing anything other than this for the better portion of my life.

Anything else would be miserable.

Thinkin’ about living the 9–5 office job lyf is just not fulfilling to me…

The tie from my work attire would feel no different than a noose tied around my neck.

Srsly tho…

Why do people loathe Monday mornings and love Friday nights?

I sometimes think death may be the more preferable experience than locked up in this mental fortitude of The Monday Blues and TGIF mindset.

Think about it:

Why would someone wish away 4 out of the 7 days of their life!?

That’s over 50% of misery! WOW!

But I digress…

Taking this meeting just reaffirmed my beliefs that business and work CAN and SHOULD be fun!

While I didn’t necessarily gain any tangible result from sitting in on this 5+ hour discussion…

I have a feeling that if I keep taking these kinds of opportunities, something great is bound to pop up.

As one of Mike Luzio’s main mantras goes:

Take. Every. Meeting.

Check out Mike Luzio and his video series, 52 American Success Stories; Where he interviews entrepreneurial men and women who overcame great adversity to get where they are now. Click the link below!



Christian Sha
Rutgers Entrepreneurship

Business, Marketing, Psychology Unlock your potential 🔑💡💰 #MagicClicks