Approaching Design Thesis

Ruth Tupe
Re-designing Online Dating
2 min readAug 15, 2016

As I reflect upon my first year at SVA IxD, I can’t help but evaluate what how I think about design. I know it’s a great way to analyze problems, create experiences, and impact culture and behaviour.

But the more I practice it, the more I realize that it has this uncanny ability to build bridges. It can bring you closer to a problem, empathize with others, and collaborate with your team. The aftermath always fulfilling because it incites conversation and invites others to participate.

As I’m thinking about my second year, what excites me the most how design can continue to expand. I’ve always wondered, “how can design meld with history, psychology, politics, and behavioural economics?”. I’ve always been curious about how design can make an impact in those fields. Or even better, how design can evolve from these schools of thought.

My approach to thesis will be exploring how these different fields can inform my design process. I want to dig into topics that are complex and difficult, that will require a swiss-army knife of skills to solve.

I also want to find ways to make more accessible to the general public. While I think “design thinking” has become popular, I still think we can do more as designers to invite others to co-create and encourage design behaviour, even if they aren’t formally designers.

I’m not exactly sure what I’ll end up with in the next few months but I’m excited to get started.



Ruth Tupe
Re-designing Online Dating

Addicted to: coffee, period dramas, and making sense of things. Interaction designer, researcher, strategist.