A better Dapp Experience— Rutile Weekly #8

Franklin Waller
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2019

📡 Portal to Dapps

Using blockchain applications can get tricky very fast for your average user. Managing private keys, figuring out how to get the native token, not messing up the address sending/receiving, paying for each interaction with the blockchain, and many more. We wanted to make this as easy as possible while not sacrificing security.

In order to create a good experience, we are going to use PlayOS as Rutile’s official portal to Dapps. PlayOS will be creating a contract based wallet for you and assign different private keys to Dapps that have limited permission on your wallet. This way you can manage what kind of data/money is allowed on a particular Dapp.

PlayOS in itself will also be hosted in a decentralized manner. The whole platform will be hosted on IPFS, allowing anyone to access it from anywhere.

Currently, we are porting the centralized version to a decentralized one using providers. The provider is an interface that tells PlayOS how to talk to a particular blockchain. We currently have the log-in working and are building the dashboard where a user can see all its Dapps.

Here is the progress we currently have, we currently have not a list of Dapps but that should come with the coming weeks. We try to keep it as simple as possible for users, so they instantly recognize what to do.

PlayOS development will continue alongside with Rutile. PlayOS is blockchain agnostic so we welcome any blockchain developers to create providers for it. Rutile will be a first-party provider for Rutile.

That’s all for now! See you next week!



Franklin Waller
Editor for

Founder of Rutile, a fee-less decentralized application platform https://rutile.io/