Ethereum compatible RPC API — Rutile Weekly

Franklin Waller
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2019


To allow more extensibility and easy communication through browsers, light clients we’ve built an Ethereum compatible RPC API. This allows you to use all wallets that allow communication through a different RPC URL.

We’ve tested it with Metamask and it worked without any modifications (Notice that the ETH/Ether is actually RUT/Rutile, we sadly can’t let wallets know they are dealing with a different currency):

Following the Ethereum RPC spec allows us to also use tools that are used inside the Ethereum ecosystem, such as Web3.js(py, java, etc). This allows developers that are familiar with these tools to use Rutile with minimal overhead. We will look into supporting the EVM through our WASM VM, allowing almost all existing code to be run on Rutile.

And now for the fixes & small features:

  • Fix issue where the incorrect address was calculated due null buffers
  • Fix issue where deployed addresses were not created.
  • Add compatibility with transactions that came from an Ethereum wallet

Due to busier schedules at the parent company (PlayOS) we are moving the weekly posts to bi-weekly posts. We are still continuing the development of Rutile.



Franklin Waller
Editor for

Founder of Rutile, a fee-less decentralized application platform