🚀 Wasmer support— Rutile & PlayOS News

Franklin Waller
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2019
PlayOS Terminal running OpenSSL and QuickJS

⚙️ Native app Support

PlayOS now fully supports WASM that follows the WASI spec. This means that regular applications can be run on PlayOS. We are using the Wasmer (https://wasmer.io/) runtime to achieve this. Through this, we are able to run native applications such as OpenSSL and SQLlite. But there are many more to come. The WASI spec is still under development and currently only supports command-line tools. But support for drawing is coming, and when it does PlayOS will immediately support the spec.

Also, this means you can write your applications in any language available. Such as C#, Java, Python, Rust, etc!

🎨 Web manifest support

We want apps to have a common way of configuring their execution environment while also including information used to display in the store. Web manifest is perfect for this use case. It allows developers to fill in important details about their app, such as the icon and description. So today we’ve added support for the Web manifest spec. You can also easily install a web manifest using the “Install app” in the sidebar nav.

The web manifest also allows you to modify the window color of your app resulting in a more immersive experience.

đź–Ą Rutile VM

We’ve made a couple of big changes in smart contract execution. We’ve added support for regular JavaScript as an option. The reason behind this is that even with AssemblyScript there is still a big learning curve for current JavaScript developers. And since the focus of Rutile is to allow web hosting we felt the need to make it easier for Javascript developers.



Franklin Waller
Editor for

Founder of Rutile, a fee-less decentralized application platform https://rutile.io/