4 Tips That Will Transform Your Job Postings

Jahmal Gittens
Published in
1 min readJan 22, 2018

You’ve got a great employer value proposition. You’ve built a fantastic organization, filled with great people that are going great places. You’ve got great benefits, and are building a winning team culture. You’ve got an awesome office complete with ping-pong tables and beer Fridays. You’ve invested so much time and effort into building an incredible candidate experience, and standout careers page…


You click into a job postings and all of that great content, all of those wonderful stories, all of the things that make you awesome seem to disappear. Don’t worry, I know it’s not your fault — sometimes it’s a limitation of your ATS, or you just don’t have the scalability to offer a unique experience in each of your job postings. But this is no time for excuses.

The truth is your job postings are critically important in converting job seekers into engaged candidates. In the video below I’ve put together 4 tips you can implement immediately to help transform your job postings into talent conversion tools.

