10 Things To Newbies Should Know About the Beale Street Music Festival

Memphis in May

Julie Ryan
RV with US


Last year we attended The Beale Street Music Festival (BSMF) for the first time. This is an annual music festival held as part of Memphis in May (Memphis, TN). We had a great time overall. However, it could have been a much better weekend, if we'd done a little research and been better prepared. Instead all we knew going in was who was playing and that it was in Memphis. As the event got closer we did learn a few things that I thought would be helpful for others who might be considering attending for the first time.

1. The name is a misleading. BSMF actually occurs down at Tom Lee park on the Riverfront. The location difference matters a lot, although not for the reasons I initially thought. Luckily, the tram/trolley does run down to Tom Lee Park, and there are a number of hotels located very near trolley stops, giving you easy access to both the Riverfront and Beale St. The biggest issue is that since Tom Lee Park is on the riverfront,it means that if it rains (and it will rain) you are partying in a mud pit.

2. Tickets - they will sell out of 1 and 2 day passes really fast, but that doesn't mean you have to buy the 3 day pass. If you aren't going to be able to stay for all 3 days just wait till you get to Memphis to buy your passes. There will be people selling them at the trolley stops all over downtown. Also, the 3 day passes are actually 3 individual tickets (at least they were when we were there) so if you do buy the 3 day pass and don't plan to use all 3 days you can sell the days you don't plan to use either online ahead of time or to someone else once you get to Memphis (the guys selling tickets will also buy yours).

3. Use the Trolley! I've been to Memphis before but I had never used the trolley. I don't know if I even realized there was a trolley because I'd never really been into downtown outside of actual Beale St. The trolley runs up and down Main St making quite a few stops, and also has a loop that runs down to the Riverfront, dropping off right by the North entrance to the BSMF.

4. Buy a Trolley Pass. Just get the 3-day trolley pass when you first get on the trolley. It will save you $$. It's $1/ride - even if you are just going down one stop, but a 3 day pass is just $9, and allows you to hop on and off as often as you like. You can always sell the pass to someone else when you are done if there's still time left on it.

5. There is more than one entrance to the BSMF. The North entrance is the most used because of the trolley stop close to it and because of it's proximity to downtown/Beale St. However, it is not the only entrance. There is also the South Entrance and at least 1 entrance in the middle. It is important to note that you can only re-enter at the entrance you exited (we learned this the hard way). To re-enter you have to exchange your original ticket for a re-entry ticket and get your hand stamped. That said, if you are leaving the park for the night or coming in for the first time that day, I'd suggest skipping the North entrance and taking the trolley down two more stops to Butler Park. There's an entrance right there and it's barely used. This is also a great place to exit if you are leaving for the night.

6. It Will RAIN! The most important thing you should take into consideration is the weather. Oddly enough it rains in Memphis the first weekend in May pretty much EVERY year. The event is a rain or shine event, however some performances may be cancelled or post-poned if the weather is too bad. Based on comments from at least one band we saw, it's not uncommon for that to happen. Since the event is held on the riverfront, this means you will be slogging your way through mud the entire weekend.

7. Pack Appropriately. It's worth investing in some rain boots and a slicker (maybe even one of those umbrella hats). However, umbrellas themselves are pretty much worthless. There's not enough room to bother with them, and if it's raining it's probably also windy. Plus the guy behind you without the umbrella is likely to knock you out when the water is sliding off your umbrella and dumping on his head. We saw more than one pair of shoes lost to the mud and the muck. Also, be prepared for the cold. Last year it was in the 40's, and trying to find gloves proved rather difficult.

8. No BYOB. There is limited alcohol available inside the event and by limited I mean limited to specific sponsors. You could get Budweiser beer, Turning Leaf wine and Southern Comfort frozen drinks. They aren't cheap.

9. Bring Water. When we checked prior to the leaving the website said all beverages (including water) must be purchased inside the gates. They amended that the day before the event to allow you to bring in one (UNOPENED) bottle of water and/or a Camelback. I'm pretty sure a lot of people were filling those Camelbacks with something other than water.... and I wished we had thought of that.

10. Food. The food choices inside the event were your typical carnival/fair food choices. Corndogs, bbq, and burgers. Plan accordingly.

11. Re-Entry - In addition to requiring you to purchase all food/drinks inside the event, they also had a rule that you could only re-enter ONE time. So, there's no way you could store your drinks just outside the event and head back out to imbibe. Hopefully, you can plan your schedule out to at least leave to eat once and save yourself some money. There is so much good food in downtown Memphis that it's worth leaving the park for a bit to grab dinner. Be sure to check out SOB (South of Beale) and The Flying Fish.

Are you attending the Beale Street Music Festival this year? The line-up looks interesting. If you are going remember these tips, share them with your friends, but most of all Have Fun!



Julie Ryan
RV with US

Blogging about life with #fibro #tmj #endometriosis #migraines and #clusterheadaches - Follow my chronic illness journey at http://www.countingmyspoons.com