Guiding My Spouse as He Backs the RV Stresses Me Out

Looking for someone who understands my pain

Brenda Mahler
RVing in Retirement
4 min readDec 28, 2021


My husband and I are happily married and do not argue — much. But I do dread the moment we pull up to an RV spot and he asks that I jump out and help him back in. Don’t get me wrong, I want to help but have learned we see the world from two different perspectives.

If we are folding a blanket together and we are each holding the corners, he will fold under and I fold over. When we drive separate cars to the same place, we take two totally different routes. Once when we agreed to meet at the fifth house, he counted from the north end and I counted from the south end so we arrived at two different fifth houses. Moving furniture can test the strength of our marriage because I stand one direction and say step right and he step left because he is facing the opposite directions.

Our life is one forever reoccurring comedy routine. At first our different ways of viewing the world caused confusion and frustration. Now, it instigates laughter. Before we start, we know we must make our intentions clear. However, even with this knowledge, me trying to give backing directions causes us both pain.

The last time we had the opportunity to preform this task, I stood behind him at the center of the RV and provided hand…



Brenda Mahler
RVing in Retirement

Real life person sharing real life stories. Writing about travel, dogs, and healthy lifestyles.