A better world is within reach, but first we must reach within.

Rock Whittington?
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2017

Within ourselves we find the embodied wisdom of millions of years of cultural and biological evolution.

In order to reach that place of wisdom we have to be willing to work, to smile in the face of mass-extinction-level threats, and to surrender our self interests in order to serve the greater good of humanity.

The gifts we each have to offer are enough, and when we offer them in synchronicity their power grows exponentially.

Our intentions have been misshapen by violent social structures, cancerous corporate organizations, and the architecture of top down power dynamics.

We are all victims of the roles this system requires us to play.

Turning away from the warpath and the misguided belief that our problems can be solved by winning a contest of force, we have but to realize how truly blessed we are to be alive in this very moment.

To return to the here and now.

To regain our sense of the miraculous.

To remember what it is like to take a deep breath without having to worry about overcoming a competitor, or what the enemy may be up to.

To remember what it is like to live without fear.

As we disengage from the dying world order, we are free to redirect our spirit power to vision-making the world anew.

Innovating peace and equity into the foundations of radically new types of organizations and relationships.

Honoring the values we share, by sharing the value we create.

Recognizing the various forms of energy and data that flow between us as the value we seek to beautify and fix into our communities.

There is no value or wealth outside of our relationships.

When we are offered something ugly by society, and an opportunity to hate, it is incumbent upon those who would lead us in this new direction to love instead.

To transact wisdom.

To accept.

To not fear death, but to beautify life.

To recognize the suffering of countless generations, and to seize this opportunity to break that cycle.

To be present, patient, and kind.

And most of all to be generous.

The new world will be a gift.

It will not be for sale or commerce.

It will be for elevating humanity and consciousness.

Find and gift your wisdom.

A better world is within reach, but first we must reach within.

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