Analysis: Ivanka Trump At G20 Is The Front Fix For All Of Trump’s Chaos, As Always

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5 min readJul 11, 2017

This article was originally published on THE REVOLUZIONNE.

Ivanka Trump has stepped in on behalf of her father, the President of the United States in one of the G20 meetings.

The meeting which world leaders like Vladmir Putin, Theresa May, Angela Merkel and Shinzo Abe are all corresponding leaders of their nations. In this kind of international assembly of world leaders, attention of detail is of extreme importance. The main reason why these presidents decide to join the council is because the matters that are going to be discussed would affect not only the world, but also the citizens of the nations they represent.

According to reports, Ivanka Trump replaced Donald Trump briefly, placing her in between British Prime Minister Theresa May and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Merkel defended Ivanka, saying since she belonged to the American delegation, she has the right to replace President Trump in any meeting.


However, though it is somehow acceptable for any American to replace their president during these meetings, we are talking about the democracy of the United States, created by the founding founders of the nation. There are multiple White House officials who joined the G20 summit and they could be a better option than Ivanka. The fact that she is not only the daughter of the president, but also the co-owner of most of their ventures, makes the move all the more suspicious.

According to Dan Pfeiffer, the “whole point of America was that governmental authority was bestowed by the people not by birth.” Since the people elected Donald Trump to lead the country, it should be him that goes to do the job. Yes, he could delegate anybody for a brief moment to replace him at the G20, but Ivanka Trump, who is not even an official part of the White House, do not really have right to be there — except for being her father’s daughter.

But Why Was Ivanka Really There?

Simply put, Trump’s administration needed a redemption. That is why Ivanka Trump, together with Jared Kushner, without any other reason to be in Hamburg, attended the summit.

In our previous coverage on the Ivanka-Donald duo, we analyzed the mechanism of these two in business. Just as what reporters are saying, the Trump administration is a family business still. Donald Trump used to front Ivanka in all of his business ventures, becoming the brain and the face of the Trump organization.

It was an easy choice. Ivanka is beautiful, talented and smart. At the same time, she has a different language apart from her fathers. There’s no trace of misogyny or any marks of betrayal. Ivanka Trump is supposed to be everything that is “good” about Trump and his businesses. In the midst of multiple suggestions of Trump’s impeachment as well as being an outlier in the G20 Summit, they have to make a move. With Ivanka on the table, the United States is back in business. Ivanka has now become an advocate of women entrepreneurs all over the world. She is now the face of the Trump administration. But, just like in business, Ivanka may have her stance when it comes to wooing and attracting investors, and in this case, world leaders, towards Trump, it’s still her father who concludes all the decisions that are needed to be made.

Ivanka’s Surprise on Women’s Support and Real Intention

We may never know if Ivanka Trump is sincere when she said that she is willing to become a champion for women. However, even in her book, most of us do not see where she really lies. Perhaps, Ivanka is so used to playing the “safe” field so she could be an ally on both parties, but this does not work in public service.

First of all, her surprise about the lack of support on women all over the world is not surprising at all. With her brand blankly advocating for “women who work,” there is no absolute action that came from Ivanka to really help “women who work.” At the same time, the impossible notion of her “I-have-it-all” Instagram facade showing her at work and being the perfect mother is not attainable for most “women who work.” The fact that she does not disclose the reality on how she’s making it work (with multiple house helps, caretakers and baby sitters) is simply a strategy for her personal branding.

At the end of the day, if she can really empathize with “women who work,” it would be easy to see. She would speak up on topics and issues that real “women who work” face. She would stand up for misogyny even if it means going against her father. If Ivanka truly understands women, she would do so many things to impact change and not make an excuse in defining “complicit” with her own twisted words.

Donald Trump may seem like the most inappropriate president in America’s history, but he knows how to twist everybody around. As long as he can use Ivanka and his family troops to manipulate the White House, this administration would thrive.




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