We all encounter different roadblocks in our lives. Now that we’re almost in the middle of the year, it is almost inevitable to reach this moment of complete chaos. June is a transitional period and most of us do have a hard time with dealing with transitions.

Projects need updates and managers are swamped with demands on how to close June as well as anticipate for the growth for the third quarter. Let’s just say June is a hectic month for everyone.

Now that we’ve established everyone is busy and almost all of us our stressed out in this season, there is one thing we should remember in dealing with the month of June.

What do you mean? We’re on a deadline here. We have “stuff” to do and things to finish before the end of the day. How do I make up with everything.

Speed and momentum are very important aspects of work, but you have to understand that decision-making should be made in a peaceful state of mind. If you are bombarded with tasks and to-do lists, make sure you set the time to step away from all of it.


Take 2 hours of lunch break. Do a day off. Shut down your digital devices and nap. Read a novel for two hours. Play a game outdoors! Whatever it is that you want to do, do it and just move away from the work as much as possible.

This allows your mind and well-being to see things from a different perspective. Calming yourself down clears your mind from the distractions at work and this releases stress as well.

The best decisions should be made at the best state of mind. This means your focus is clear and you are not anxious. When you move away from your work, your project and come back with thoughts of clarity, you can see it from a macro point of view and analyze the situation a lot better.

From this perspective, you begin to see the things you’re so worried about are just little hiccups along the way. You strategize a lot better and you work smarter.

Do not push yourself to burnout because it will not help you or the team. Allow yourself to rest and enjoy more.

To sum it up, know that taking care of yourself is one part of the job. So, here’s one last piece of advise to help you manage your overwhelm:




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