RWB Politics
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2017


Young Democratic Operative Jacob Schwartz was arrested yesterday for his possession of a large database of child pornography on his computer. Here are the facts of the case:

He Turned Himself in along with His Child Pornography-Infested Computer

According to the New York Post, Schwartz turned himself in, along with his computer, to the New York Police Department with written permission to search the device as needed.

Because he turned himself in, many close to Schwartz see the action as the beginning of therapy instead of a self-incrimination, despite the fact that the crime he committed was very heinous.

He stashed Tons of Images and Videos on His Computer, Purportedly Downloaded from the Internet

Also according to the New York Post, Schwartz had approximately 3,000 images and 90 videos of child pornography on his computer.

According to police, the media shows “young nude females between the approximate ages of 6 months and 16, engaging in sexual conduct on an adult male.”

The police report also states that the media was downloaded from the internet, but it is unclear whether that was from dark web.

He Released on Bail Shortly after his Apprehension

After being charged with “promoting a sexual performance by a child” and child pornography possession, Schwartz was released on a measly $7,500 bail.

According to his family, Schwartz is currently in therapy for his sickening actions.

He was a Rising Democrat, Having Served as the President of a Large Democratic Organization

Schwartz was the President of the Manhattan Democrats, a liberal organization that has since removed Schwartz from their list of employees after the charges.

In addition, Schwartz worked with father (next fact), another Democrat operative, in assisting various campaigns, including that of Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama.

For his day job, Schwartz is a computer programmer analyst for the Department of Design and Construction, especially the “Build it Back” program, which deals with rebuilding buildings destroyed by recent Hurricanes along the East Coast.

His Father is a Prominent Lawyer and Democratic Operative

His father, Arthur Schwartz, is a prominent New York lawyer who served as a New York Counsel to the failed Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign.

The elder Schwartz also recently had a run-in with the law, having been busted for removing surveillance cameras from the apartment of a 93-year-old woman who was, at that time, in a battle with her property owner. He was forced to pay $720 in restitution.



RWB Politics

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