Digging a Hole: Brit Hume-style

Donald Trump’s latest accuser is adult film star Jessica Drake, so Brit Hume thinks it’s okay to question her sensibilities…and her humanity.

Janet Morris
Rx3 Magazine
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2016


One of Trump’s latest sexual assault accusers is Jessica Drake, an adult film actress, which means that Trump defenders think that she is undeserving of respect. Case in point, Brit Hume, dudebro and Fox News Channel’s Senior Political Analyst. When Hume heard of Drake’s claims, he decided to dig himself into a little hole on Twitter:

But he didn’t stop digging with that one tweet, and who would? If you’re going to dig a hole, you don’t want it to be shallow. No, we’ve got to get the biggest hole in the world.

I wonder which part he doesn’t approve of: kissing 3 women (because Jessica didn’t feel safe about being alone in a room with him) without consent, repeatedly propositioning a woman, deciding to amp up the propositioning by offering $10,000 and a plane ticket, or the person who was propositioned having an adult film career. Oh, or maybe it’s the adultery part, where Trump was attempting to cheat on Melania. I’ve seen a lot of people who that was the big thing that bothered them.

It’s nice that he decided to clarify his statement, right? Sexual assault is wrong, but sexual harassment is totally fine when the individual being harassed is a sex worker. Well, that’s just swell.

I get that you’re like a broken toy or something, but this shouldn’t be that hard to understand. If someone has turned down a person multiple times, which Drake says she had, then wouldn’t it be pretty obvious to most people that she had no interest in having sex with Mr. Trump at all? I mean, how many times does she need to say “no” for the guy to get the message?

There’s a stronger argument for considering hard-core pornography as art than there is for considering anything on Fox News Channel to be news. Maybe that’s not the hill your argument should die on. Keep digging, Brit. You know you want to.

Ding. Ding. Ding. That’s my least favorite tweet in the series. “She turned him down when he tried to have her for free.” I was unaware that Jessica Drake’s job was one that removed her ability to be seen as an actual human being. I guess that argument that some people objectify porn actors and actresses is true for Brit. I wonder if his is due to repeated use or just some inborn misogyny.

Why wouldn’t she be offended? Let’s recap what happened — I’ve bold-ed parts for emphasis:

Drake met him in 2006. He invited her to his hotel suite at the end of the day. She didn’t feel comfortable being alone with him, so she invited two friends to go with her. When she got there, he was in his pajamas and he grabbed each of the women tightly for the a hug and kissed each without permission. He wanted to hear details about her job and her relationships. They left. An employee called her room after that, and asked her to come back to his suite again. She said no. He personally called her to ask her to return to his suite, to eat dinner with him, and go to a party with him. She said no. He asked her how much money she wanted for the encounter. She told him no and that she needed to leave for work. He (or an employee) called again and offered $10,000. She said no. He offered use of his private jet. She said no.

There were 5 no’s, a non-consensual kiss, and her decision to bring 2 friends with her because he already made her uncomfortable. It’s pretty obvious that she didn’t want to be near the man. It’s pretty obvious that the attention had crossed the line and that she was trying to make that clear to the man. Burying your head in the sand doesn’t make that any less obvious.

Who cares that she was in porn? Aside from you, Brit Hume, who cares? Does being in porn negate her feelings? Does being in porn mean that she has to have sex with strangers or that she can’t reject an offer to have sex with a man who was harassing her? (Or any other person.) No, she doesn’t stop having rights, feelings, or anything else by doing porn. She is still just as much of a person as she was before she did porn.

No person deserves to be treated like this. This sort of dehumanization of a person because of their involvement in pornography is literally making me gag. If you think that “porn stars” are not deserving of respect because of their jobs, kindly go fuck yourself — because I’m pretty damn sure that no one else in the world is going to want to take on that sort of task.

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Janet Morris
Rx3 Magazine

Disabled INFJ ginger fangirl from Alabama with the superpower of freckling. I also write, game, and get political. Randomness since 1984.