Donald Trump, Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, and Pussy

Mx. White
Rx3 Magazine
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2016

I want to talk about the difference between Donald Trump’s comments and the raunchiness of rap music for a tiny second. Is it beating a dead horse? Maybe. I really don’t care. I think there’s a scant few people who really don’t understand why people are upset about “grab her by the pussy” but not rap lyrics. The problem is you’re focusing on the word “pussy”. This isn’t about the word pussy. It’s about the fact that no consent exists there.

Recently, I saw some conservative point to a lyric from Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda as an example of why we shouldn’t be upset. The lyric was “real country-ass nigga, let me play with his rifle/pussy put his ass to sleep, now he calling me NyQuil”. Yes Nicki does say pussy there too, but like I said before this isn’t about just the word pussy. The context in which the word is used there is completely different from Trump’s use of the word.

Trump bragged about how he could grab a woman by the pussy because he was famous and she couldn’t do anything about it. That is predatory. The woman Trump speaks of did not consent for him to grab her genitals.

Nicki on the other hand speaks of a consensual encounter. She says that he let her “play with his rifle” (his penis) and they later had sex. They both consented to that encounter. No matter how vulgar her words, it was still a consensual encounter. That’s the difference between Trump’s words and the vast majority of rap lyrics y’all are using. The lyrics are about consensual encounters. Trump’s comments are not.

Another thing I see thrown around lately is saying how could Michelle Obama be outraged by Trump’s words when she called Beyoncé a role model. For an example, see this image:

Instead of using rap lyrics, they’re using an entire person as an example of why we shouldn’t be upset or why the FLOTUS is a “hypocrite”. Here’s the thing though, Beyoncé, whether you like it or not is a good role model. This is doubly true for the puritanical “don’t have sex until marriage”/”don’t have sex outside of marriage” people.

Her self titled album was all about having sex with and loving her husband. Lemonade was about staying with him and repairing the relationship after he cheated. Both of those are messages that the “don’t have sex until marriage” crowd should love.

Outside of that, she’s also an extremely hard worker, a successful entrepreneur, a philanthropist, and many more things. She’s a wonderful, successful person and a great role model for kids, girls especially.

Trump is not. He has several bankruptcies under his belt, failed business ventures, skips out on taxes, has a pending child rape case against him (look it up), speaks horribly about women, and bragged on tape about sexually harassing and assaulting women.

When you say “but rap lyrics are the same”, you’re doing two things. One, you’re showing your ignorance about the topic at hand. Yes there are some lyrics in some songs that are iffy, if not downright deplorable, but the ones getting quoted are relatively harmless. Two, you’re defending a sexual predator.There’s no getting around it. You’re defending a man who preys on women.

So before you go to Rap Genius looking for misogynistic lyrics, think about what you’re doing and who you’re defending.

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Mx. White
Rx3 Magazine

✨Black ✨Bisexual ✨Non-binary ✨Incomprehensible eldritch horror formed in the depths of the earth’s core ✨See more of my writing at