Travel Medicine: OTC to Pack For Your Carry-on

3 min readAug 19, 2020


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Ah yes, you’re excited to finally take the trip you’ve been wanting but has been postponed due to COVID-19. Perhaps you’re going to friend or family members wedding or a road-trip. You’re excited, but I’m here to remind you to be a good scout and be prepared for all things! There are a few medications that you should pack on your carry on to handle what ever life throws at you.

Here is a list you can have handy when you’re getting ready for that long awaited trip, keep in mind this is not all inclusive so ask your Physician or Pharmacist for any other recommendations:

Number One: Electrolyte Mixes

We tend to forget to stay hydrated on a daily basis (well I’m projecting that’s just me…I digress) and it’s so essential to keep that H2O intake up! Especially those who travel by plane, the altitude can definitely dehydrate you. You can also dilute Gatorade if you’re in a pinch, since it really is packed with lots of sugar.

Photo by Ethan McArthur on Unsplash

Number Two: Diarrhea Medication

Imodium or Pepto Bismol is recommended. Diarrhea can happen from contaminated water or food so its recommendation to bring it wherever you go! Also, throw in some TUMS to help with any heartburn while you’re at it. It is not fun to be on a vacation and you have GERD.

Number Three: OTC Motion Sickness Medication

Nothing is worse than being on a cruise ship, airplane or car ride and all of sudden you get motion sickness. It is not a good time! Some non-drowsy motion sickness medications like Dramamine or Bonine can help with that. Just ask your local Pharmacy to point you in the right direction.

Last but not least: OTC Tylenol and Ibuprofen

These medications have been around through all of our tough times, got a fever? Use one of them to bring it down. Got a skinned knee? These two have been there when we need it most. These two can help get you back on your feet and exploring the place like a proper tourist!

