St Jude PLAYLIVE 2017 - Recap

Anna Maree
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2017
Three stretch goals have been met.

We’ve done the impossible. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that we would raise anything more than maybe $1,000. Our original goal was for $2,000 and we ended up raising over $8,608!

You guys KILLED IT this year. This was not me, this was all of you — this was a team effort. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We found a spoon that has been missing for over a year.

We endured burning my arm on the oven, getting DDoss’d for over four hours (which in the end failed for them anyways) during the 24 hour stream, and the epic show down of Mania and Pitel for the crown of Highest Donator. In which, Mania snagged the crown at the last possible second, earning him the GeForce GTX 1080.

Highlight from the 24 hour stream

I know this year I had to take two weeks off, one due to Dell World and another when my mom came into town, but we still managed to pull off the impossible. Not to mention, the fiasco with the shirt design not going live by DBH. (This will be on sale later this year and all proceeds will be donated to St Jude.) If we can do this much GOOD in two weeks, just imagine what we are going to be able to pull off next year.

My ugly cry when we reached our stretch, STRETCH, goal of $8,000

So, once again, thank you to all of you amazing people who have donated to the campaign. Thank you to everyone who shared the Tiltify link, who shared my Twitch page, and helped get the word out there. I couldn’t have raised this much without all of this loving support. I’m so grateful to have you all in my life.

Just wait until next year…



Anna Maree

Producer / Host / Editor AlienwareTV • I play video games for a living •