Deconstructing: iPod Design

Ryan Freeze
Words with Ryan Freeze
2 min readSep 17, 2012

Interestingly enough the iPod touch now shares so many similarities with the iPhone its almost too close to the real thing. In fact, the redesign is perhaps even more appealing than the Apple flagship. Color options give a wider appeal and iOS 6 brings all the cool goodies to the “lesser” platform. Even the 4" diagonal Retina display is identical. Outside of the camera (5MP instead of 8MP) there are very few things the iPod touch lacks.

The biggest is the LTE (or any cellular) radio which is what makes an iPhone a phone at all, really. I have looked at both the iPhone 5 and new iPod touch and feel more and more attracted to the iPod’s appearance. Its more exuberant and fun where the iPhone feels like a Trent Reznor approach to the Star Trek communicator.

In any case, while all the other changes I’ve addressed carry over to the iPod touch one thing is immediately glaring. Apple has decided to include a tether. A way to fasten the device to your body but let it dangle as you attempt to be ambidextrous. More ways to accidentally have your iAppliance meet with a destructive outcome. Another detail that Apple glossed over in a sentence or so as well. A rather philosophical change to their line up that goes without very much commentary.

I’m prompted to mention my first blush observation for what its worth. Another hand held item that comes with a tether is the Nintendo Wii’s controller. With all the talk of a new Apple TV coming (a display and not the hockey puck) and the inclusion of this odd accessory gives me pause. Perhaps Apple is setting us up for a way to interact with a very large display with the iPod touch that would make a tether sensible. Using the iPod touch as a camera does not seem to be a strong enough guise for bringing the tether to market. If it were about photography why has this feature not crossed over to the iPhone 5. It would make sense being that the iPhone is the most popular scene shooting device in the land according to Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram uploads.

So this leads one to think about why it would be valuable in an iPod touch and not the iPhone 5. Another perplexing detail is the iPod touch price point itself. They begin with a 32MB option at $299 which is more costly than the entry level iPhone 5 (with 2 year contract). This is extremely noteworthy to me as it is the first time an iPod touch costs more than the iPhone option. Only crickets from Apple on these changes and very little substance that would have consumers feeling wowed or even understanding of them.

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