RIP: 3.5mm Headphone Jack (b. 1964 — d. 2016)

Ryan Freeze
Words with Ryan Freeze
2 min readJun 23, 2016

Previous reports of omitting the audio jack in future iPhones will likely be true with this September’s new offering. However, calling it a hostile move and stupid is laughable. Anyone could have, and should have, predicted this.

If there’s a common thread in Apple’s design approach it is to minimize — everything. Even things that already work. I do not recall legions of complaints of the disk drives or USB ports of old but Apple saw to do away with them as well.

When the 30-pin connector was ditched for Lightning just four years ago people went berserk. Just take a walk in 2012 on Google.

The headphone jack is no different and is likely to be treated the exact same way by both detractors and Apple themselves. I would not be surprised if an adapter shipped with the earliest purchases to help “bridge” the gap.

Will it be Bluetooth or Lightning headphones from this point on? Both. You will be able to choose same as you can today. So the thought of having to be wireless with your headphones is an overstated worry.

The sound quality that can be emitted from a Lightning connection to headphones with a built-in DAC is well more than enough reason for me to welcome this change. And really, if you listen to iOS music enough to be concerned about the removal of the oldest tech still remaining on your device then you also should be excited about the improvement of sound.

I wonder what people would say if the Lightning adapter were removed entirely for a wireless charging alternative. I suspect that would be received favorably because people are much more bonded to their devices through music than power. This, too, should be happening soon (perhaps next year).

Speaking of charging… you did see how the Apple Pencil is charged via Lightning from the iPad Pro, right? I’m not wondering why the headphone jack is dying — I’m wondering why the Lightning adapter hasn’t made it to the Mac yet.

I’m always entertained by the chatter that circulates prior to Apple releases. Its really an amazing effect that keeps their devices on the lips of media and consumers throughout the year. What is Apple doing removing the headphone jack? Exactly what Apple always does.

