3 Best Platforms for Digital Dropshipping

Published in
5 min readAug 29, 2023

In an era where traditional retail boundaries increasingly fading, the digital dropshipping business model has taken center stage. Digital dropshipping involves the sale of digital products, allowing you to transcend the limitations of physical inventory and shipping logistics.

This article delves into the core concepts of digital dropshipping and unveils the 3 best platforms that facilitate this dynamic venture. Discover how this method is reshaping online businesses and providing exciting opportunities for you in the ever-evolving landscape of virtual commerce.

What Is Digital Dropshipping?

Digital dropshipping revolutionizes eCommerce by eliminating the need for physical inventory. Unlike traditional retail models, where products are stocked and shipped, digital dropshipping involves selling digital products directly to customers. These products can range from e-books and online courses to design assets and software. The key advantage lies in its low overhead and automated nature, enabling you to focus on marketing and sales.

Advantages of Digital Dropshipping

Low overhead costs

Traditional retail involves expenses like inventory storage, packaging, and shipping. Digital dropshipping eliminates these costs, as products are delivered electronically, resulting in significantly lower overhead expenses.

No physical inventory

With digital products, there’s no need to manage or invest in physical inventory. This eliminates the risk of overstocking or unsold items, freeing up resources and space.

Global reach

Digital products can be delivered anywhere in the world with minimal effort, allowing businesses to tap into a global customer base without the complexities of international shipping.

Automated process

The entire sales process, from order placement to product delivery, can be automated. This allows you to focus on marketing, customer service, and business growth rather than day-to-day operations.

Reduced risk of returns

Since digital products are non-tangible, the risk of returns due to damage or dissatisfaction is significantly lower, reducing the administrative workload.


Digital products can be replicated and distributed infinitely, enabling businesses to scale rapidly without the constraints of physical production.

Diverse product range

You can explore a wide range of digital products, from ebooks and software to online courses and design assets, catering to various customer interests.

Digital dropshipping presents a transformative approach to eCommerce, leveraging technology to streamline operations, reduce costs, and reach a global audience. Its advantages make it really becomes an attractive option if you want to start an online business.

3 Best Platforms for Digital Dropshipping

#1. Shopify

Shopify is a renowned eCommerce platform that offers a seamless experience for digital dropshipping. Its user-friendly interface and a wide array of features make it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.


Shopify offers various pricing plans, including:

  • Basic Shopify: $29/month
  • Shopify: $65/month
  • Advanced Shopify: $399/month


  • User-friendly: Shopify’s intuitive interface requires no coding skills, making it accessible to users of all technical backgrounds.
  • App store: The Shopify App Store provides a plethora of apps and plugins to enhance functionality, including tools for digital product delivery and marketing automation.
  • Scalability: From startups to enterprise-level businesses, Shopify scales effortlessly to accommodate growing needs.
  • Secure hosting: Shopify takes care of hosting, security, and updates, alleviating technical concerns.
  • Mobile app: Manage your store on the go with Shopify’s mobile app.


  • Transaction fees: While Shopify’s own payment gateway, Shopify Payments, can waive transaction fees, using external gateways incurs additional charges.
  • Monthly costs: The recurring monthly fees can add up, especially for businesses just starting out.
  • Customization limitations: Deeper customization might require coding knowledge or hiring a developer.

You can register your Shopify account with trial days and 3 months with $1/month here.

#2. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a customizable plugin for WordPress, transforming your website into an eCommerce store. It’s a versatile choice for digital dropshipping due to its flexibility and extensive range of plugins.


  • WooCommerce itself is free to install, but costs can incur for hosting, domain, and premium plugins. The overall cost varies based on individual needs.


  • Flexibility: With a plethora of themes and plugins, WooCommerce allows tailored store design and functionality.
  • Ownership: You have complete control over your store’s data, design, and hosting.
  • Cost-effective: WooCommerce’s base plugin is free, making it an attractive choice for budget-conscious entrepreneurs.
  • SEO-friendly: Built on WordPress, WooCommerce inherits its SEO capabilities, aiding in search engine visibility.
  • Community and support: A large user community means plenty of resources, forums, and tutorials for troubleshooting.


  • Technical knowledge: Setting up and managing WooCommerce requires some technical expertise, particularly if handling hosting, domain, and plugin integrations.
  • Maintenance: As a self-hosted solution, you’re responsible for updates, security, and backups.
  • Scalability: While WooCommerce can handle substantial traffic, scaling might require optimization and hosting upgrades.

#3. BigCommerce

BigCommerce is a robust platform catering to businesses of all sizes. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for digital dropshipping, combining ease of use with advanced features.


BigCommerce offers pricing tiers:

  • Standard: $39/month
  • Plus: $105/month
  • Pro: $399/month


  • Built-In features: BigCommerce includes essential features like secure hosting, built-in SSL, and responsive templates.
  • Scalability: It’s designed to grow with your business, ensuring performance and stability even as you expand.
  • App integrations: The platform seamlessly integrates with third-party apps for added functionality.
  • No transaction fees: BigCommerce doesn’t charge transaction fees, even for using external payment gateways.


  • Cost: While offering value, BigCommerce’s pricing might be higher compared to other platforms for startups and small businesses.
  • Customization learning curve: Deeper customization might require familiarization with the platform’s templating language.
  • Limited built-in blogging: While it supports blogging, it’s not as robust as dedicated content management systems.

The best platform for your digital dropshipping venture depends on your specific needs and level of technical expertise. Shopify’s simplicity, WooCommerce’s customization, and BigCommerce’s comprehensive features offer distinct advantages. Consider your budget, scalability requirements, and desired level of control as you make your decision. Each platform can empower your digital dropshipping journey, shaping your online business for success.

Popular Products for Digital Dropshipping

We need to find profitable digital products in order to achieve a big quantity of sales. However, we must exercise caution when marketing these products. It is critical that we follow copyright and patent laws.

Let’s now look at the top digital dropshipping products to sell:

  • Fonts
  • Audiobooks
  • eBooks
  • Digital tools
  • Templates
  • Guides

Wrapping Up

As the eCommerce realm continues to evolve, embracing the efficiency and boundless potential of digital dropshipping is a strategic move toward a thriving online future. By seamlessly delivering digital products to a global audience, this innovative model reshapes how businesses operate, eliminating traditional constraints.

Whether through the user-friendly appeal of Shopify, the customization prowess of WooCommerce, or the comprehensive features of BigCommerce, the platforms highlighted here exemplify the diverse opportunities digital dropshipping offers.

Originally published at https://www.ryviu.com.



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