Display your product reviews on Google Shopping

Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2023

Note: This feature supports Unlimited plan only.

Google Shopping, a dedicated platform within Google, allows users to discover and purchase products from local businesses and online retailers. Harnessing the power of reviews on Google Shopping can significantly influence potential customers to choose your products.

Today, we are delighted to introduce the feature that enables you to export product review data to an XML feed in Ryviu. This functionality streamlines the process of managing and uploading reviews to your Google Merchant Center account (GMC). Please keep reading this article to check the process to export the XML file and upload your reviews on Google Shopping.

Display your product ratings on Google Shopping

There are five steps to display your products ratings on Google Shopping.

Step 1. Navigate to your Google Merchant Center account

Step 2. Sign up Product Ratings

  • Fill in the Product Ratings Interest Form.
  • Select No for the first question: “Do you work with an approved third-party reviews aggregator?”
  • For the next questions, please choose the most suitable answers for your business.
Product Ratings Interest Form

Step 3. Google enable product review tab in your GMC

A few days after you submit the form, Google will email to you to inform that your Merchant Center Account is enabled for Google Product Ratings feeds. Then you can upload your XML Feed in the next step.

Step 4. Export reviews data to XML Feed in your Ryviu account

Please keep in mind some notices before exporting XML Feed:

  • You can click on G button of each product to add the product information include the globally unique product identifiers (GTINs) before exporting XML Feed. Google may not be able to match all of your reviews to products if missing these information.
  • Ryviu exports enable reviews to XML Feed, therefore, please check your product reviews carefully before exporting to make sure the workflow smoothly.

You will have three choices to export reviews to XML Feed in the Ryviu account as below:

  • Option 1: Click on button Product reviews feed to export all product reviews. Ryviu will promptly send you an email containing the XML file for download. Please check the email address associated with your Ryviu profile.
Export all reviews to XML Feed
  • Option 2: Export XML Feed for selected product reviews.
Export selected products to XML Feed
  • Option 3: Export XML Feed for one product by click on G button > Add globally unique product identifiers > Click on Save button > Click on Download XML button.
Adding product information

Step 5. Uploading the XML Feed

  • Click on Marketing tab in the navigation menu of your Merchant Center account.
  • Click on Product reviews under Marketing tab (1).
  • On the page that loads, click on Product reviews feeds (2) in the upper right hand corner to open the “Feeds” page.
Product reviews feeds page
  • On the “Feeds” page, click the plus button to create a new feed, then provide basic information about your Product Ratings feed.
Add new feed
  • Choose Upload manually, then click on Continue button.
Select method to upload XML Feed
  • Provide further details in regard to the feed upload, click on Create feed button to finish uploading.
Upload XML Feed

Once Google receives your Product Ratings Feed, it will be reviewed by our data quality and policy specialists. Your product reviews will only appear online after completing this review process successfully. After successfully completing the review process, it can take between 2 to 4 weeks for your reviews to go live.

It’s important to follow Google’s requirements strictly to display reviews on Google Shopping listings. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this feature, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to assist you.



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