Exciting News: CSV Import for Q&A Now Available!

Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2023

We’re thrilled to announce that all Paid Ryviu memberships now can import questions and answer from CSV files. This new feature provides you with additional ways to engage with your customers, increase conversion rates, and boost sales for your store.

How to import Q&A from CSV file?

Importing questions is a straightforward process. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to your Ryviu account and navigate to the Q&A section.

Step 2: Choose the “Questions CSV Import” option.

Step 3: Browse your file or simply drag and drop the CSV file into your Ryviu account.

Step 4: Click on the “Import” button.

When importing a CSV file, you have two options to choose from:

  1. Replace product questions by new data: Existing questions in the Ryviu dashboard will be replaced with the questions from the CSV file.
  2. Merge product questions: Existing questions in the Ryviu dashboard will be combined with new questions from the CSV file.

Product questions CSV file

Ryviu questions CSV file template

Q&A CSV file

For the CSV file, please ensure the presence of the required fields:

  • product_handle: The product handle (Shopify), slug (WooCommerce), or friendly URL (PrestaShop) of the products you want to import reviews for should be used.
  • author: The name of your customers.
  • email: The email of your customers.
  • question: The text of questions.
  • status: “enable” or “disable
  • create_at & answer_created_at: The format should be Year-Month-Date Hour:Minute, such as 2023–06–15 09:12.
  • answer: The text of answer.
  • author_answer: The name of the store owner.
  • email_answer: The email address of the store owner.

Please take note of the following points when editing your CSV file:

  1. For the fields of answer, author_answer, email_answer, and answer_created_at, you can leave them blank, but make sure to include the field names.
  2. If you provide an answer, you must also include the corresponding author_answer, email_answer, and answer_created_at for that particular answer.
  3. If the date format in your CSV file is incorrect as required, questions and answers will be added to your Ryviu dashboard in real-time when you import the CSV file.

To ensure a smooth importing process, we recommend using Google Sheets to open and edit your CSV file before importing it to your Ryviu account. If you encounter any errors or issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. We’re here to help you resolve any problems you may encounter.



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