How to create a Facebook campaign?

Nguyen Nam
Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2019

You are running advertising on Facebook. However, you still do not know well about the goal and how to run a campaign steps by steps. In this article, I will show it in detail by the revenue that it may generate.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

1. Re-marketing campaigns
Your clients come to your store and leaving before purchasing. The re-marketing campaign appears again and brings them back to your site. It is the goal of this campaign.

Why it’s important?

  • You have already paid for the acquisition
  • People already know your brand
  • You can build a little trust
  • Maybe your customers could be ready for purchase, but something occurred during checkout

How to set it up in Facebook Business Manager?

  • Create a custom audience based on traffic or engagement
  • Create a new campaign “catalog sales.”
  • Create a separated ad set for each stage of the funnel. Those are top 6 audiences where you can quickly get extra sales.
  • Visited website but didn’t purchase
  • View content (every page with Call To Action) but didn’t buy
  • Added to cart but didn’t purchase
  • Engaged with videos
  • Engaged with Instagram
  • Engaged with Facebook
  • Use different copy based on the place of the funnel. Try to give good incentive (as a discount or free shipping) for people who added to cart but didn’t purchase.
  • Test different creative — single image ads, carousel ads, video ads to see which creative works best for your business.
  • Doing it this way you’re going to show products which visitors saw on your website.
  • Pro tip: try to do this campaign with Traffic objective.
  • Facebook Prospecting ads Facebook Re-marketing Ads Facebook Cross-sell / up-sell ads Google Prospecting ads Google Re-marketing Ads Google Cross-sell / up-sell ads Shopify Theme Customization Shopify Theme Optimization Stores’ Translation

2. Prospecting campaigns
You need your new customers to come to your store. It is the reason you need to have prospecting campaigns in place.

Why it’s important?
You should know that you need a constant flow of new people to your website to have a re-marketing bucket full of potential customers. There are many stuck that you can get.

How to set it up in Facebook Business Manager?

  • Use Facebook Audience Insights to know your customers better. AI (Audience Insights) will show you who your customers are — they occupation, age, gender, websites they like.
  • Create Lookalike audiences based on previous events like Purchase, add to cart, initiate checkout, content view (+ content view at least two times), top 25% time spent on the website)
  • Create a new prospecting campaign. What type of objective should you select? Test it! Three main goals to test: website conversion, traffic, catalog sales.
  • Try to play with the manual bid to bully your competitors. If your average cost per event (like Purchase, landing page view) is 10$ — try with the double or triple amount (20 or 30$).
  • Creative: start with something simple but don’t miss the video ads. Even simple slideshow video is better than no video.
  • Plan experiment, write it down, run, analyze, optimize, test again. It might take you some time to find the right audience, creative & copy but when you’ll see it — scaling your Facebook Ads going to be much more effective.

3. Engagement campaigns
All ads in PPE (Post Per Engagement) campaign help me to find a good copy, good creative, good audiences and get good engagement on ads. How can you lower your cost of advertising it in a few simple steps? Let me show you.

Why it’s important?
If you want to have cheap advertising, please make your ads popular. How to do it? You can either create viral videos or run a dedicated campaign to get engagement on ads.

How to set it up in Facebook Business Manager?

  • Start a new campaign, as objective choose Post Per Engagement (PPE)
  • Optimize for video views
  • In each ad set test three ads (one video, one single image, and one carousel).
  • Each ad set it’s a new, individual audience.
  • You don’t need a high budget — a few dollars a day are enough to determine if the audience is interested in your product.
  • Put more money behind the audience with the highest number of clicks and engagement. Stop those who perform poorly.
  • Copy ID of the ad and put it in other campaigns — that’s how you can start the new campaign but with an ad which has good engagement.

I am not sure that is all the campaigns on Facebook, however, hope it’s useful for you.

