Proof Collective — Breakdown of Kevin Rose & Justin Mezzell Venture Builder of the Web3 Space. (🥃,🦉)

Josip Vlah
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2022

Some of you might seen the recent news that the Proof Collective (Company behind the MoonBirds, Oddities and Proof Membership) raised 50M lead by A16Z and a roaster of the big VC names such as 776, True Ventures, FlamingoDAO and VaynerFund.

Let’s dive a beat deeper into the proof collective and their ecosystem.

So what’s Proof Collective?
I would describe Proof Collective as a web3 based venture builder building products and projects for artists, collectors and strengthening the web3 space through community-centric approach.

Proof started with the initial Proof Collective Membership club which is a collection of 1000 membership cards created on December of 2021.

Club consists of some of the most profound web3 collectors and artists in the space with more than 155,000 member owned NFT’s including 148 CryptoPunks, 817 BAYC and others.

Moreover, in the recent months proof collective announced that they will be creating a dedicated data analysis team for the NFT Ecosystem which will generate valuable insight into the new projects in the space.
Learn more:

Futhermore, Proof has its own devision dedicated to podcasts. Hosted by one of the founders of the Proof, Kevin Rose podcasts provides in-depth creative, strategic and data insights within the NFT Space.
Listen to the podcast:

Proof Grails Season 2 | Season 2
Proof Grails is a NFT Collection created in collaboration with numerous artists in the space. For Example, Grails Season 2 consists of 25 artists and 25 pieces of curated art.

Grails has a specific take onto it that is not seen a lot within the traditional NFT Art world. This take consists of artists identities being kept hidden until the post-mint live reveal event.

Some of the artists in the Grail Season 2 are:

Learn more about the Grails:

Moonbirds is probably the most famous project from the Proof Collective space. Moonbirds are a 10,000 NFT Collection which were created on April 2022.

This collection was one of the first on collections to incorporate the mechanics of NFT Nesting. Which in term means that you are able to stake (lock) your NFT on a certain period of time and depending on the amount of time staked you receive benefits.

Moonbirds also recently announced that they are releasing full-on CC0 rights to all the Moonbirds holders which created mixed feelings throughout the communities but In my personal view I believe that with the CC0 rights we are extending the space and inviting other communities to create and build on top of the existing projects.
Learn more about the Moonbirds:

And last but no least we have Oddities.

Collection of 10,000 Moonbird Pellets created with a collaboration between the artist Gremplin.

It is one of the first of many extensions of the MoonBirds ecosystem with new traits and features allocated across the collection.
Learn more about Oddities:

When we look a bit deeper into the Proof Collective recent August Raise we see that the Proof Collective platform will focus the funds towards the development of dedicated social platform to connect all of their communities, new NFT Collections (MoonBirds Mystic coming soon) as well as a big bet / investment on the art-side. Expanding the grails seasonal drops and building an ecosystem of connected artists and creators.

What’s your take on Proof and what do you think how will the whole thing play out?

