Gayathry Dasika
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2024


Long prospects

Triangle of Self

There are only three things that most of us are occupied with

  • Money
  • Sex
  • Power

It’s a triangle that drives the world.

Most of our emotions lie in the fringes of the three corners. That’s what we identify our self with. The botherations mostly always fall into those three.

But they are very very changeable. They aren’t a stable ground to base the identity upon in long term.

  • Money changes hands and it’s value of work. Sustenance.
  • Sex updates itself with new pronouns these days, it’s the emotional outlet. The touch function which is lost with usage
  • Power — control over others and self defense or offense.

All three are driven by a primal emotion of survival or fear. Let’s respect the fear ! It keeps us alive. 😨

Fear induces anxiety. Anxiety can become a burden on the clear thinking.

The dreary triangle 📐 may also inspire creation of personalities in the place of “self”.

The personalities are initially designed to protect the body, mind and soul, but soon the personalities dominate and grow like cancerous leison.

When the Image of a person , becomes more important than the life of a person itself, that’s about when the unsightly outcomes start. The body first responds with issues, stress, palpitations.

At macro scale, that’s the case with AI models again. They are initially designed to make life easy. Now we got into the triangle and started developing AI for the sake of AI. No delight , no wonder but it is becoming a form of psychological slavery for human beings.

Should I invest in AI in long term?

May be ? Not in long term.

I want to invest in a forest land. Buy a small piece of land beside a natural lake, develop it gradually, expand the forest cover in the area.

It’s a long prospect. Forest helps you breathe good oxygen. Provides Solace to a restless mind. Make you forget worries. I want to help a little bit. Please buy forests if you can. ☺

No AI was used to write this piece. AI can imitate perfection. But no one can imitate an imperfection. 😋



Gayathry Dasika
Editor for

I enjoy writing exploring topics on psychology, leadership, and ancient sanskrit literature to understand their relevance to the modern world.