Will power vs Won’t Power

Gayathry Dasika
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2024

Which one is more impactful in changing one’s life path ?

I would say both are important.

But, I think that Won’t power ranks higher than Will power for some people.

For them,

“I won’t do this”

is more powerful than

“I will do this”

Allow me to explain further with my example.

I have a limited amount of Will power & time.

With all the options I have available in my hands, how many things can I do effectively with intensity?

I guess one or atmost two.

Here comes the Mental Picture !

Photo by Marcus Woodbridge on Unsplash

Imagine your energy as a River in the picture and you are trying to build a course for it to flow .

The Won’t power is like a blockage / Dam with large strong walls.

The will power is a constructed channel where the river is allowed to flow.

You may setup hydro-turbines to harness the energy on the dam once the pressure is enough.

The won’t power/ Dam builds the pressure and increases the reserve levels of the river.

The will power / Channel propels the energy generation with a sense of direction.

Both work hand in hand to generate hydroelectricity and regulate water (energy) as needed.

If you say Yes to everything , you lose the energy. Your energy river flows without direction. No power here. You will lose intensity which is a key ingredient of enjoyable Success.

On the other hand, If you just keep on building dams and blockages everywhere without a proper course planning , it builds enormous pressure, which may break the dam and cause mass destruction. It may cause flash floods and drown inhabited landmasses (metaphor : career , relationships and community)

In human mind, its a metaphor for repression, and stress leading to neurological complications. They cannot function normally and may become unpredictable with mood swings. Too many blockages may defer healthy expression and may stunt one’s personal growth.

In the end it’s an act of Balance , Regulation , Moderation and Capacity and circumstances at that time determine their right balance of will and won’t power.

No one can tell exactly what is needed to accept and reject before hand.

One has to take a chance and decide for themselves.

Moral systems may share a guideline, it’s up to the individual to see what works for them and walk the path.

Which one do you prefer ?

This is like asking which hand do you like more. (Right or Left ?)

Obviously both hands are important for regular functioning, but you may have a slight / strong preference for one over the other. So which one is it ?

Will power or Won’t Power ?



Gayathry Dasika
Editor for

I enjoy writing exploring topics on psychology, leadership, and ancient sanskrit literature to understand their relevance to the modern world.