AWS : Cloud Practitioner Exam — Part 1

A Quick Review about Cloud Concept

Pisit J.
Sum up As A Service
3 min readJan 11, 2020


Part 1 : Cloud Concept (26% of exam)

  • Understand the value of AWS cloud
  • Understand Design Principles of cloud architecture

1. What is a benefit of using AWS managed services ?

Using AWS Service, customer can focus on Business Growth, no longer need to perform management tasks:

- hardware provisioning

- software patching

- setup, configuration

- monitoring

- failure recovery

- backups

2. How does AWS minimize the time to launch services or IT resources ?

It provide the ability to programatically provision resource

3. If you compare the costs in AWS versus a traditional on-premises data center, AWS is the better version because .. ?

lower variable cost & lower upfront cost

4. Which of the following options represent valid opportunities for customers to learn about the cloud in an instructor-led setup ?

- AWS Online Training

- AWS Classroom Training

5. Which of the following AWS programs can a new customer use, without having any technical expertise, in order to design and build an application in AWS cloud ?

AWS Partner Network Consulting Partners — professional services firms that help customers of all sizes design, architect, build, migrate, and manage their workloads and applications on AWS.

6. How can you interact with AWS Cloud Platform ?

  • AWS CLI or Command Line Interface
  • AWS Management Console for Web User Interface
  • AWS SDKs or Software Development Kits

7. A ______ consists of one or more discrete data centers interconnected through low latency, high speed links

Availability Zones (AZ)

8. A region contain ______ Availability Zones (AZ)

A minimum of Two

9. You would like to implement high availability for your application running in AWS cloud.

What is the minimum Availability Zones you should consider while provisioning the compute resources?

2 Availability Zones.

Placing your instances in multiple Availability Zones improves the fault tolerance in your application. If one Availability Zone experiences an outage, traffic is routed to the other Availability Zone.

10. Amazon CloudFront is a web service that speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic web content to your users. Which component of AWS Global Infrastructure does it use ?

AWS Edge Location

11. Your company has just released a new app and this time AWS cloud platform has been chosen in order to deploy it. The new setup supports growth in users, traffic and potentially data size with no penalty to performance.

Which cloud design principle highlights the description ?


Scale out and scale in. Scale up and scale down. Another way you can save money with AWS is by taking advantage of the platform’s elasticity.

Plan to implement Auto Scaling for as many Amazon EC2 workloads as possible, so that you horizontally scale up when needed and scale down and automatically reduce your spending when you don’t need that capacity anymore.

12. Which of the statements below describe Agility in AWS cloud ?

New IT resources are only a click away, which means that you reduce the time to make those resources available to your developers from weeks to just minutes.

13. You have recently decided to start working in AWS and you are about to deploy your first application in AWS Cloud.

Which of the following represent valid factors that you would take into consideration when choosing the AWS Region to deploy your application ?

- Reduce latency to your user

- Minimize costs

- Data governance & Compliance

14. Which of the following design principles would you take into consideration when re-architecting a large monolithic application ?

- Rely on Individual Component (Loose Coupling)

- Design for Scalability

(According to modern Microservices architectures’ best practices)

15. Which of the following examples supports the cloud design principle “design for failure and nothing will fail” ?

Deploy application in Multiple Availability Zones

16. Which of the following AWS service would you use in order to optimize your AWS account ?

AWS Trusted Advisor is an online tool that provides you real time guidance to help you provision your resources following AWS best practices.

- Cost Optimization

- Performance

- Security

- Fault Tolerance

- Service Limits

