Summary : AI for Everyone

A gentle what you need to know about AI

Pisit J.
Sum up As A Service
3 min readJan 13, 2020



  • Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Machine Learning (ML) vs Data Science (DS)
  • Limitations of AI
  • Start a AI project
  • Transform into AI company
  • AI : Do & Don’t

Why does everyone hype about AI now ?

Big Data — AI can be more powerful as amount of data they learn

What AI can do

Anything human can do with 1 second of thought, we can automate it by using AI, now or soon !!

Machine Learning (ML) vs Data Science (DS)

Example : DS vs ML

Limitation of AI

Strengths & Weakness

Garbage In, Garbage Out


Adversarial Attack

AI may be fooled by malicious inputs. This causes AI to malfunction.

Starting a AI project

Transform into AI-company

AI : Do & Don’t


[Coursera] AI for Everyone by

